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do you really get high from it.
and can you like die from it. hah some websites said it was really bad for you
has anyone on here done it??
can you tell me about it please.
Nutmeg? I have heard that too, but you CANNOT die from something like that. I mean I am sure If you ATE a crapload of it, that it is possible…or if you have some weirdo allergic reaction to it. I would strongly suggest against it. Plus, do you know what to do with it? Like snort it, smoke it?
From: http://www.spiceplace.com - DANGER In large amounts: can be toxic and cause Nutmeg Psychosis.
I have NEVER HEARD OF IT, doubt it is true though…
it can kill I saw it on a show called manswers… yes, its a show for men.. lol its legal too,, so, cant get booked.. and so is jimsom weed( its kinda like acid, and legal,,, but you smoke it)… and theres some others… oh and if you wanna get really baked… use a vaporizer… with weed though.. not with nutmeg,, lol.. you get like… 94% of the THC..so you could use like .2 and it would be like a gram
You can smaoke nutmeg but you gotta roll it and make your own filter and everything. And it’s not a very good high
Okay. I found this really funny blog some one did. It is lengthy, but hilarious, so you should read the whole thing. However if you just want to know about the nutmeg, skip to page 3.
yes, it can kill you its a stupid thing to try, so I hope your not considering trying something as dangerouse and moronic as that
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