No guy would ever want me

no guy would ever want me

I don’t wax down there I have a snail trail I wear pads, too scared to wear tampons I don’t wax my eyebrows I have a terrible nose I would never be wanted…

Answer #1

As far as waxing ‘down there’ or your eyebrows- if you dont like it, then change it. I am obsessed with waxing my eyebrows and I feel uncomfortable when I dont have them done- but I know I am the only one that notices/cares. I never in my entire life heard of a guy not liking a girl because of the feminine product she does or does not use. Some dont even know the difference- I’ve had to explain it to a guy or two before. Just keep yourself clean! Terrible nose? Nobody is perfect- everyones got something a little off. I was so ashamed of mine for years but then I started to think - you know what- its me, its what makes me -me. I’ve had many a boyfriends. There are SO many that have it so much worse. I felt so bad because I saw this guy at the grocery store and it hurt me he had to live with such a horrible nose- I didnt know a nose could be that big -serisously. I know a guy that has one leg longer than the other so his walk is off balance. I knew a girl that was born without toes cause her mom was on drugs when she was pregnant with her. I know a guy that has eyebrows that look like patches of carpet. I know a girl that has some type of skin problem so she has sores/scabs all over her face, legs, and arms. Each ot thes people have husbands/wives/mates. Others dont see us the way we see ourselves. Most importantly, you need to try to build yourself up - people dont like to be around a ‘whoa is me’, negative nancy. Keep in mind if you treat yourself that bad-others will think they can too.

Answer #2

you know what you also described me but guess what. I bet you if you went out on the street and acted confident youd attract guys! the thing is guys (well MOST of them) dont care about apearences but about your personality. also remember this. when you look at yourself in themiror you otomaticly see the bad parts becouse you feel like you always need to be better. you think to yourself “I need a better nose” or “I need to wax my eyebrows” and “no one will want me” but in the end you should look at the good. I think its like some natural instinked for wemen to look for flaws and try to fix them because ( beleave it or not) in the early years of humanity wemen had to try to look good for men as well so they wouldnt be left behind in mating season. its sorta carried on to our time and thats probably why anorexic people exist and peopl who accesivly clean or wax themselfes exist to. LOL I know im a nerd but its true! so there was some random tidbit for you and some random talking as well. hope you feel better about yourself! you should!

Answer #3

Just keep your chin up, if you find things you like about yourself then other people will be sure to like that too. Who cares if you have a snail trail or a terrible nose, its probobly not even that bad and looks are just a bonus anyway. Your personallity is what really counts. I hope this helped. :)

Answer #4

so what if you dont wax or dont wear tampons? so you think you have a terrible nose? others might not

grow up, and stop underrating yourself…

each one of us is beautiful in their own way…

Answer #5

yeah, you basically just described me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and be proud you don’t wear tampons, there isn’t anythign wrong with that. I dont use them either, plus, I havent tried. Dont be ashamed of the snail trail, just like kiasu said, and who cares if you have what you want to call a “terrible nose” I’ll bet your nose is beautiful, and you know what? I hate my nose too, so we can hate our noses together.

Answer #6

Keep the snail trail.

Just think of it like a path to the promised land.



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