Nighttime songs?

I babysit a lot… and I have a few songs that I sing to the kids before they go to bed… but I was wondering if anyone has any other good song titles for suggestions… (just lulaby type songs) … and no religious ones.

Answer #1

theres a really pretty song by mindy smith called “one moment more” my boyfriend lives in oregon and I live in cali, so often when we’re talking late at night I’ll sing it to him over the phone…it always puts him to sleep (not sure if that’s good! lol) but yea, it’s an awesome song. =)

Answer #2

you are my sunshine rock a bye baby the three little kittens hush little baby twinkle twinkle little star

Answer #3

Mr. Sandman.

Answer #4

hush little baby

I always sing that to my daughter before bedtime

Answer #5

Don’t Close your eyes from Mary Poppins Goodnight My Someone from Music Man

look to musicals, there’s a lot of lullaby type songs.

xox Sika

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