Why does my neck and shoulders hurt really bad and become tense when I run?

Answer #1

You are probably tensing your shoulders when you run. Try to relax your shoulders and make sure you are pumping your arms when you run and not leaving them motionless by your sides. and try stretching your shoulders before and after your run. Happy trails!

Answer #2

i pump my arms while i run and i run standing straight. :/ ill try stretching i guess

Answer #3

Many runners ignore their upper body. We swing our arms when we run to help maintain balance and counteract the motion of our legs. If your arms and shoulders tire before your legs than your pace and your upper body will suffer. Runners should do strength training as well as running. Doing military press, lat pull-downs, bench press, one armed bent rows and curls will build upper body strength so your arms and shoulders can keep up with your legs.

Answer #4

i work mmy upper body all the time and im trying to increase the amount of pullups and pushups i can do. my upper body is rather strong

Answer #5

Slept on the wrong side of the pilow and then your neck and shoulders

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