Answer #1

^^^ Is there evil in this world?

If so, where did it come from?

The bible says that Satan is the author of all evil. ^^^

Evil in this world…I call it human nature…the will to survive forces us sometimes to do things considered evil. Also who says the bible is correct? Once again it is all what you believe in.

Answer #2

You don’t know if “god” sent us down to the earth to complete a lame test… Besides, he allready knows the outcome, so what’s the point?

PS: …why are you so sure that there is a god? By the way, if you mean Zeus, then… what you’re saying is nonsese. Zeus didn’t send humans to earth to do some kind of test o_O

Answer #3

Is there evil in this world?

If so, where did it come from?

The bible says that Satan is the author of all evil.

Answer #4

yes that I tink if you belive in God ,satan also exist as God tolled us and the practical out puts that you see and you heat testifies for you.even I tinke this question might be from him indirectly.

Answer #5

Well of cooourse there is satan! Satan loves you all. He is kind and just. Once upon a time god created him, and made him “evil” on purpose, so that he would have an excuse for bad stuff happening. So, god is evil! He sent poor satan to hell D: Don’t get fooled by those deluded people saying satan is bad! They are all liars, and are being decieved by god! God planned that trap for you long before you were born, and you fell into it, so now you believe in god!

Take care !!

Answer #6

If you believe there is God, then you should believe there is Satan.

Personally, I believe in neither.

Answer #7

The bible says god created evil. Thank god.

Answer #8

In the multitude of realities that we can imagine… and those we can’t… I reckon somewhere in a fold of time and place… satan exists.

The waning devourer. He certainly exists in the hearts of men.

Given his own day of worship…Saturday… he was the first god in the old testament.

In some religions… satan is reality… the standard and the prison. Mr. La Vey wasn’t far off when he named his cult of carnality for the nemesis of man. Satan is the materialistic joy La Vey was such a proponent of. Anyone smitten with the facade is drawn back down the maw that returns the wayward soul back to the innards of this… his physical playground.

When we evaluate reality by this material standard… then we are deluded by the very prison that keeps us. Life on the surface. Held fast by the lure of the eyes forever.

Answer #9

“If you believe there is God, then you should believe there is Satan.”

not unless you buy into some christian view of things… I believe in God, I dont believe in a devil…

Answer #10

The Bible mentions him many times but here’s where he meets his destruction: Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Take care !!

Answer #11

YesSatan is real so is god. But people have free will so they can believe in what every they like.

Answer #12

“The bible says god created evil. Thank god.” Well God sent us down to earth as a test and with out evil it would not be much of a test would it now?

Answer #13

YES:( it is when you ve a voice in you re head telling & conviencing you to do bad things:::( he is the one that pursueded eve to eat the fruit from a tree that the wern’t aloud by god:( however, it is not all bad new cause there is also GOD how is always there to lead & pursued us to follow the right things:) GOD BLESS:):)

Answer #14

It all depends on what you believe. Allthough I believe in God, I don’t believe in Satan.

Answer #15

No there is not, don’t be ridiculous.

Answer #16

yes there is whether people believe in him or not

Answer #17

Satan is as real as God. Personally, I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Answer #18

Satan is just as real as Santa.

Answer #19

I don’t believe in any supernatural imaginary beings - so to me - no there is not.

Answer #20

NO if gyou are a christian, beleive in the christian god, or beleive in satanism then yes you beleive in both the god and devil but really, he does not exist and hes not out to get you and make your life horrible and cause all your problems like most people say, that all bullsh*t your responsible for your own life and what you do with it

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