When does an element become a different element?

When does an element become a different element?

Answer #1

Your chem is a little rusty ichi :P, an isotope has the same number of protons and different number of neutrons…

This is what I found: If the number of protons in an atom were to change, it would become a different element. If the number of neutrons were to change, it would become a different isotope (radioisotope) of that element. If the number of electrons were to change, it would have a different electrostatic (ionic) charge of that element.


Answer #2

by alpha or beta decay

Answer #3

They don’t - they may add or subtract protons, causing them to become isotopes or ions, but the element itself doesn’t change, exactly…they become compounded.

Answer #4

When it gains or looses a proton…

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