My poor litttle shitzu

My 15 week shitzu screams when he sits down but can walk ok he is in a lot of pain

Answer #1


Answer #2

The Vet needs to examine.

Answer #3

You need to take your dog to the vet. Anytime they are showing signs of pain - especially when it comes to a basic function like sitting down - they need medical attention.

Answer #4

I wonder if he is constipated. My Shi Tzu cried when he was dehydrated and couldn’t get his morning business done. Make sure he gets plenty to drink. It should help. Check for swelling in his anus.

Mama K

Answer #5

Was he doing what I call with my dogs the “bootie scootin’ boogie” where they scratch their butt by dragging it across the floor with their back legs up, butt on the floor, and using their front paws to propel themselves. If so, he could have worms but if he is having a lot of pain it could also be that his anal glands are extremely full and swollen. You need to take baby to the vet quickly. If he is in that much pain you owe it to him to have the doc see him ASAP.

Answer #6

He may be blocked, or have a obstruction, Has he gotten into anything we was ot supposed to? Or eat something like a bone, or rawhide? You need to go to a vet and get a health check done. He is very young and it could be a number of things, but for one thing it is not normal. Is it eating, drinking, defacting (pooping)?

Answer #7

Take him to the Vet…there is no way anyone here can tell for sure what is wrong…And if the dog screams in pain, there is more wrong than constipation…


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