My hands are extremely dry and chapped

How can I heal my severely chapped and dry hands? I’ve been cleaning my kitchen all day with a heavy duty cleaner. I can hardly touch the keyboard to ask this question.

Answer #1


Answer #2

well I am going to answer this with what you may have at home, use vasiline and then put your hands in socks and sleep like that, or any cream.

Answer #3

then the clkelaner has pretty much burned your hands and made them rough kind of like the feeling when you accidently get superglue on your hands, this is bad because the cleaner your using is full of harmful and dangerouse chemicals throw it out, and opt for something more enviromentally freindsly and safeer as for your hands, it would be best to see a ddoctor to make sure theres nothing bad about the damage done, he/she might be able to give you a few names of creams/lotions that you could use to moisturiose your hands with in the meantime

Answer #4

Honest to God…Bag Balm (you can get at Walmart or Walgreens) and cotton gloves…put on the balm and gloves before you go to bed. You’ll wake up healed…works for cracked heels, too.


Answer #5

I would recomend using Olay Quench for your hands. They have a great selection of Olay Quench lotion. I’d also agree with the adviser to throw out the cleaner that you’re using for your kittchen. I’d suggest getting a less harmful cleaner product that won’t be dangerous. Others have great suggestions as far as moisturizer. Good luck and I hope you find something. I would though recomend you trying Olay Quench it helps my hands when I run into dry skin.

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