My girlfriend might be pregnant

Me and my girlfreind had sex unprotected she had her period 9 days later and we had’nt had sex all month but now she is 5 days late should we be concerned

Answer #1

Just some info though, since she would have concieved right before her period was due, she would still have a period even if she was pregnant. A period is when the uterus sheds the lining and the egg is released. If she got pregnant right before her period was due, then the body would still need to shed the uterun lining, so she would bleed no matter what.

Answer #2

Yes, you should be worried and you should also have been smarter and use protection to begin with.

Tell her to take a pregnancy test now, there is no other way to find out if she is pregnant and it’s very important for her and the baby’s health to find out if she is pregnant right away.

Answer #3

She might be pregnant but being a girl myself I know that periods are never regular they can always be late , just wait till the end of the week and if she still hasnt come on by thn , then you should get her to take a pregnancy test.

Answer #4

That depends on if she has irregular periods, does she usually start on the same day or does it change from month to month?

And yes it is a possibility, it is ALWAYS a possibility, if your that worried about it, get her a few pregnancy tests.

Answer #5

There is a slight possibilty as you can still have periods and be pregnant (although it is unlikely). You do need to be carefull and always use protection or scares ( or even pregnancies like this could be can occur). Some women have irregular periods anyway but you cant take the chance, she needs to et a test asap

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