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Age Emancipation petition allowed: under age 18 Age of Majority: 18 KRS § 31.100; KRS § 311.732; KRS § 159.010 NOTE: There is an exception in Kentucky law for handicapped juveniles. See KRS 405.020(2)
can a minor move out at 16
The legal age is 18
When are you a legal age to move out of your parents house? - 2 Answers
What age do you have to be to move out of your parents house in arkansas if you have a new born baby
What's the legal age I can move out in Texas? (continued) - 1 Answers
Are you sure 17 is not the legal age to move out? When you're 17?
What is the legal age to move out in Louisiana? - 1 Answers
Ok so im 16 and I really want to move out of my parents house but the thing is im a freashman in high school and I have three...
What's the legal age to move out in Georgia? - 2 Answers
I am 17 and I would really love nothing more than to move out of my parents house. I live in Georgia. Could my parents do any...
under georgia law at what age can a teenager move out legally ? - 1 Answers
i am 18 and i am planning to move out but my mother wants me to stay until the age 21 because a "friend" told her that at age...
can I move out with my parents permission at the age of 16? - 1 Answers
can I move move away from my parents at the age of 16 with my parents permision to finish high school. if so, how?
What's the legal age to move out in Ga? - 4 Answers
I am 17 and I would really love nothing more than to move out of my parents house. I live in Georgia. Could my parents do any...
legal age to move out!! - 4 Answers
I am 17 and in the military. I can already financialy support myself. I want to know if I can move out of my parents house.(WV)
Legal age - 1 Answers
Im going to be 17 in september when I do turn 17 I want to move to texas I have a place to live and everything is it possible...
What is the legal age to move out of your parents house in alabama? - 3 Answers
I turned 18. Me and my parents are not seeing eye to eye. I told my parents I want to move out but they said "if I walk out t...
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