what was the best moment when you were proud on your self,and why?

Answer #1

haha two days ago when i taught one of my lecturers how you could tell if an astrocyte was reactive - because he is so crazy smart and i always thought i will never know anywhere near as much as he does so its cool that there are some things (not very many!) i know more about than him

Answer #2

The day I married my husband, for obvious reasons

Answer #3

When I witness the birth of my daughter and held her for the first time was the proudest one.

But there are a few others, like when I finished US Marine boot camp at Parris Island and more recently when I drove an 18 wheeler tractor trailer semi truck weighting 80,000 pounds from Alabama to Quebec and then to California and from there to NYC. I was gone for like four weeks!

Answer #4

wish you and your husband eternal happiness in this life and after

Answer #5

thank you luthien for sharing us

Answer #6

thank you imunderurbed.for sharing us

Answer #7

About 2 weeks ago when I signed the closing papers on my first house :D. Not bad for a 23 yr old :D. When I drove up and clicked the button to open MY garage door, and it opened, I just started giggling and couldn’t stop for at least 5 minutes.

Answer #8

i can picture that,thank you toturdchaos for sharing us.

Answer #9

Last year when i was in the marching band and i stepped on the field for the first time. Everyone cheering made me have chills and i got a big burst of adreneline!

Answer #10

i was in varsity-marching band. Next year is my senior year, and sadly, won’t be doing it..

Answer #11

lol cute.

Answer #12

Next year is my senior year too….. what did yall play?

Answer #13

my proudest moment was when i proved every one wrong in the fth grade.every one thought i was going to fail because i lived with my drug attic mom and got taken away from her and got to live with my dad i came from having all f´s to having all a´s and b´s XD

Answer #14

i believe that it was great,do you still remember that time,the peoples,your self?

Answer #15

ya i remember every thing about it the day i got to live with my dad was the happiest day of my life :)

Answer #16

wish you happiness.and thanks for sharing us

Answer #17

thanks and no problem :D

Answer #18

I was the first in my family to graduate from high school.. I graduated a year early with straight A’s. I was also the first to go to college.

Answer #19

in your first day in colledge,what did you felt,lucky that you are first from your family entring here

Answer #20

Yes, I felt very proud.. especially when I received my diploma at graduation. wowzers. :D

Answer #21

you will remember that for the rest of your life.i can picture that in my eyes,can see ya recieving diploma.thank you for sharing us moe214.

Answer #22

thanks for sharing us guys

Answer #23

when I graduated from middle school because I thought that I won’t go far but I did.

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