Answer #1

Depends on what kind you drink. 2% is the worst, fat free milk would be the best

Answer #2

No. I think once you drink low fat, or skimmed you should be ok. But always pair that off with a healthy diet and exercise.

Answer #3

Actually, full milk can a between 3.5 and 3.8 percent of fat.

2% milk is already reduced fat milk.

Answer #4

It depends. If you drink tons of milk, then you will gain weight and can get other problems due to too much diary. Generally though, the best is apparently to drink 2% fat as it still contains some fat, but not as much as full cream. One glass a day however will probably not cause you any problems.

Answer #5

Milk has got more calories than coke. A lot of milk will be fattening. But yet, small amounts (1-3 glasses per day) are healthy. And it’s definitely healthier than coke, due to the calcium in it.

Answer #6

Whole milk is the most fattening..but in my house we cannot stand fat free milk…it taste bad :(

Answer #7

IDK - I drink a crap load of 2% or whole milk, and never really worried about the milk fat. I can’t stand anything under 2% - taste like water to me.

Answer #8

same lol

Answer #9

Don’t mistake calories for fat - it’s not the same thing. Calories is a unit of energy…she’s asking about fat.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Yes. But if you eat/drink stuff with a lot of energy in it - regardless of whether the energy comes in the form sugar, fat, amylum or protein - your body will transform any excess calories into fat and store it in your hips. So, if you eat lots of sugar which has many calories but 0% fat, it can be fattening as in “making you look fat”.

Answer #12

You get fat from it, but it’s still much better to drink milk than Coke or other fizzy drinks.

Answer #13

No, studies show that people who drink milk tend to weigh less. It’s like a super drink. Of course skim or 1% are going to be better, but if you prefer 2% go for it.

Answer #14

that why the doctors recommend to drink milk when your weak and skinny.! and why all babies drink milk because thts how they grow stronger and more thinner.!

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