Is there really no marriage in Heaven?

Today in my Catholic church I listened to a reading from the 2nd Book of Maccabees. In the reading it spoke of multiple marriages in life on earth and the question was raised as to what occurs in the kingdom of heaven with regard to these marriages.

After the reading the father, during his homily, stated that there is no recognized marriage in heaven and that all people are there to follow God.

Does this mean when you and your spouse go to heaven that you are no longer considered husband and wife? Are you together in heaven? I sure hope so!!!

Thanks very much for your time and expertise.

Answer #1

This question clearly has pastoral significance for some. Assuming a Christian perspective, a positive case can be made that relationships like marital bonds can continue into the resurrection age.

Here are some websites that make this positive case -

Whether you find these arguments convincing is ultimately up to you.

PS. please note according to historic Christian doctrine, the resurrection is physical in nature, and is not to be identified with “heaven” (where the redeemed go after death to await future physical resurrection of their bodies) - please see this link for more explanation -,8599,1710844,00.html

Answer #2

You have to understand the purpose for marriage first. That is, procreation. We marry and then have children and so on and so forth. In Heaven there is no need to procreate as we will be like Christ. There will be a unlateral love that we will not understand until we get there. So your priest was correct in stating that there will be no marriage in heaven as we will no longer need those boundaries. Well, if you take it further, there will be a marriage ceremony. That will be when Christ comes back and receives us unto Himself. The bible calls those who follow Christ, The bride of Christ, and one day we will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb. The humanistic side of marriage will not exist though. Hope it helps.

Answer #3

I think the problem hear is that we so often think that the main point is to “go to heaven,” when in reality the Bible is about what God is doing to restore creation and bring about a new heavens and a new EARTH. We are resurrected physically to live here. The Platonic view of us floating around, disembodied, in the clouds is thoroughly unbiblical.

As to the question of marriage in “heaven”–or, as I prefer to say, the “eternal state” brought about after our PHYSICAL resurrection–I cannot answer. The passages from the Gospels about no “marrying or being given in marriage” at the age to come would seem to indicate that “worldly” marriage will end. Under the OT law, marriages were often arranged and pragmatic; even rapists had to marry their victims. So such marriage will be no more. But as for true, loving spiritual unions of two Christian people–that which was intended for man and instituted in Eden– there is probably reason to believe their relationships will in some way continue in the next age.

This, of course, does not answer the question of whether there will be sex. Our bodies will be physical, and presumably still with gender distinctions. But I do not want to go too far on this particular matter, so I would adopt a “wait and see” attitude.

Answer #4

you will be together in heaven of course but you won’t be married you’ll be brothers and

sisters in Christ. There is many works in heaven like quoir, teaching for those who didn’t

know christ on earth, some will be rulers just on earth, there will be different roles and

authority. many will have high authority and occupations even when we rise and heaven

comes down to earth and we live together forever we will never stop learning. you will be

with your wife how you are now but it won’t be a sexual relationship you might feel bad

because you desire the flesh but you will be enjoying too, much to think about affairs

and the conflicts that come with our earthly promblems. you won’t be sexually married but you’ll probally know

that was your earthly wife and if your family has accepted christ as your personal savior you, her,

and if any children will enjoy eternal, enjoying, peaceful, joyful life

Answer #5

This question clearly has pastoral significance for some. Assuming a Christian perspective, a positive case can be made that relationships like marital bonds can continue into the resurrection age.

Here are some websites that make this positive case -

Whether you find these arguments convincing is ultimately up to you.

PS. please note according to historic Christian doctrine, the resurrection is physical in nature, and is not to be identified with “heaven” (where the redeemed go after death to await future physical resurrection of their bodies) - please see this link for more explanation -,8599,1710844,00.html

Answer #6

great answer. thank you…

Do you believe that husbands and wives will be together and families will be together much like they are on earth or will it be different in your opinion?

I want to spend the most time with my wife and family, but also time with others as well. Is that possible? What do you think?

Answer #7

thanks for your input.

So are you with your spouse and family in heaven? Are you with them all the time? Is there ever a time when you are not with them?

Answer #8

My understanding is that the love that will be in heaven, will far surpass anything that we have known on earth, and it won’t be selective, or sexual, we will love all alike, without having any preferences, and there would be no loss involved, in other words, no grief because you loved everyone equally. Its hard to imagine, with our limited knowledge.


Answer #9

I have never heard of marriage in heaven. Like said above everyone will be loved equally.

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