Marilyn manson and columbine

Should he be blamed for the killings?

Answer #1

marilyn manson was not the one who shot the gun at all the victims, it was eric and dylan, so they should be held for the shootings. manson did nothing, he’s just doing his job of being a rocker.

Answer #2

no while music can influence people and there acticions its soley the individuals responsibility on how they interpret lyrics manson doesnt promote killing in his music …I mean think of the slutty band the pussycat dolls you really cant bblame them for a whole bunch of teens who think its okay to act like that because its the peoples responsibility …a lot of other bands have been blamed for people who did something wrong, killed someone por themself, ect but the music isnt to blame people have different emotions, some people hate there life, some people need help, ect and music is one thing that influemnces them but the usualy missinterpret the lyrics so no

Answer #3

Hell no. if the guys weren’t being bullied then they would have no reason to do it. Manson is just a rocker he is not a gun pointed at someone. now yes the shootings were horrible but it is not Manson’s fault. he is just a scapegoat.

Answer #4

NO. I spent SO much time studying Columbine. If you do a simple google search you will see that Eric and Dylan did not even like his music at all.

Answer #5

I blame satan , we are in a spiritual battle. God vs satan. Ofcourse God wins in the end. Jesus dies on the cross for our sins and that we may not end up in hell.

Answer #6

Hell no! and I hate everyone who even suggests that. they dont know anything about him. if you would ever go to his shows or watch them online you would know that in each of his concerts he includes a different life lesson. in one concert/lesson he had a woman pretend to have an abortion wrap the body in a nazi flag and offer it up as a sacrifice to a TV set. this was meant to show that, on the simple side of the symbolism, facism/nazis are stupid and the tv part was about not giving in to the mainstream. people like the ones who think this, you know like the people that assume things and judge everyone, are one of the reasons that the world is a horrible place to live in. Marilyn Manson is a proudly different and aesthetic person. you shouldn’t ever make someone be a reason for a tragedy when that person has never met the people that commited the crime and who was nowhere near the crime scene when it happened. people need to grow up. seriously.

Answer #7

nope- the people who carried out the crime should be solely responsible. there is way too much finger pointing now days. the blame game is an act of stupidity by cowards who do not want to face the consequences for their own actions. responsibility begins and ends with our own personal choices. so the blame should lie solely with the columbine murderers, and no one else.

Answer #8

Did HE shoot anyone? No. Therefore, he can not be held accountable for the shootings.

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