Columbine Shooting

I don’t understand why the guys that shot all those people would kill themselves. If you’re going to do a crime, FACE THE CONSEQUENCES! Do you know what I’m talking about? How do you feel about it?

Answer #1

Killing themselves was their way to face the consequences. They didn’t want to be on this earth anymore and were intent to take out as many people with them as they could. There was just a miracle that the two bombs they rigged to go off in the cafeteria and parking lot didn’t. The death toll would have been in the 100’s if their plan had worked out.

Answer #2

If you’re going to do a crime, FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!

There are no RULES when breaking the law, and there isn’t much accountability in youth…

Do you know what I’m talking about?

Not really. I see no reason why an emotionally disturbed criminal, would take responsibility for his/her actions…

Answer #3

I think it all depends ya know,who it is,why the did it,etc. In my opinion I think they honestly wanted to die in the first place. Then after more abuse,ridicule,whatever you want to call it they decided they wanted to kill others too. Or maybe they felt they wanted to die,but not alone. As if to bring down everyone who made them feel so horrible,everyone who hurt them,or even anyone present down with them.

iideekay,, but ima 13 year old so what do I know xD

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