What do you think about marijuana being decriminalized?

What do you think of this? A Victory or a Failure:

Massachusetts decriminalized adult possession of less than one ounce of marijuana making it a civil violation that will not result in a criminal record and a maximum $100 fine.The measure passed with 65% and passed in every county.

Answer #1

I’ve already said I understand that you think it should be illegal, that’s fine, that’s your opinion. End of that.

Yes, I brought up alcohol, I was asking you why you think marijuana should be illegal, but yet alcohol is perfectly acceptable? I never said you must not drink either. I was simply asking a question.

Answer #2

I didn’t attack you doll, don’t jump to conclusions. I simply stated my point of view as well.

“And Marijuana can be fatal in more then on way”

This is true - but so can alcohol. You have a WAY more chance of dieing from alcohol than you do marijuana, and it is legal. Why is that?

Answer #3

I don’t want to call it a Victory…maybe a return to “common sense?” People have been smoking it in this country for nearly 100 years…the “long term” effects have got to have noted by now! It’s a pretty innoculous drug, considering that alcohol is legal…There isn’t any “good” done by putting a possesser in prison…


Answer #4

You don’t need to ask for my opinion, I am aloud to speak my opinion with out your concent. Thanks. Oh please don’t attack me for my beliefs. I said I think it should be illegal not matter what amount you have, And Marijuana can be fatal in more then on way and I never said O.D was on of them.

Answer #5

The government keeps crying “we’re poor” and they don’t make enough money. If they’d tax & regulate like cigarettes or alcohol…ah, well. The government is a reflection of it’s people: seldom so rational as a collective whole, but brilliant on an individual level.

Answer #6

A victory - I’m not a marijuana user but having less than an ounce really isn’t a big deal in my opinion. We have that law here and I think it’s fair. :)

Answer #7


Why are you so hostile? I never attacked you. You have the right to voice your opinions, just as I have the right to post mine right back. I call everyone doll, it wasn’t mean as an insult. I have never judged you, yet you always seem quick to jump on my questions and judge me.

If you think Marijuana should be illegal, that’s great, that’s your opinion. I am allowed to answer back to you though and tell what I think about what you are saying. Point blank.

You have not confused anyone on this post either. Thank you Ma’am.

“And how do you know If I truly really even agree with you or not?”

If you do agree and you are arguing just to argue, that says a lot about your character and your personality then.

Answer #8

“I would not want a doctor working on my after he just got high on his lunch break, or my babysitter watching my child while under the influence. To me it is just dumb and very childish.”

I just noticed this! Wow, I’m sorry but that’s a bit ridiculous of a statement if you ask me. I wouldn’t want a doctor to be drunk on alcohol while performing a surgery on me. I also wouldn’t want a drunk babysitter. That doesn’t mean that alcohol should be illegal, it just means people should use it responsibly and at the right times.

Answer #9

Were you not paying attention?

Massachusetts decriminalized adult possession of less than one ounce of marijuana making it a civil violation that will not result in a criminal record and a maximum $100 fine.The measure passed with 65% and passed in every county.

The question isn’t if marijuana is good or bad. The question is if marijuana LAWS are good or bad.

This is part of the process to make it LEGAL. And the law isn’t about what’s ‘right and wrong’ its about LEGAL and ILLEGAL. Prohibition created a HUGE amount of crime as a result of ILLEGALIZING alcohol. So the law did more harm than good. The same can be applied to marijuana…

So if you’re predisposed to believing that ALL laws are RIGHT, that is terribly naive…

Answer #10

The question isn’t if marijuana is good or bad.

The question is if marijuana laws are good or bad.

I argue that laws against marijuana do more harm than good.

It is ridiculous that someone getting caught with a small amount of marijuana can be sent to prison with a felony conviction. It basically screws up the convict’s life and costs society tens of thousands of dollars a year to imprison them then when they get out and can’t get a decent job it costs society in terms of tax revenue and productivity.

Personally I’d decriminalize possession of all recreational drugs. I’d lower penalties for selling them to adults but I’m still for sending people who sell to kids to the big house.

Answer #11

captainassassin you take my breath away with your debate skills sometimes!

Answer #12

She seems to be struggling with the ‘alcohol is a drug too’ issue…

Answer #13

It’ll free up space in prisons for REAL criminals…

Answer #14

I am sorry, but felletofspam if you brake the law you pay the price, You know the difference between right and wrong and if you get caught it is your own dam fault, now you have to pay the price. It only screws up the convict’s life because they broke the law. Sorry but I don’t feel sorry for someone who broke the law. They brought it on themself. Look if I go to a local high school football game where no tabacco products are allowed, and I light up a smoke at the age of 33 I can get a fine, so guess what I don’t light up on the school’s property, It is really just that simple, IF something is against the law, don’t do it, and if you do and you get busted then do cry about having to pay the price, you know it before you did it and it did not stop you, so you are the one that messes up you own life, And when I say you I am not Referring to you (filletofspam) I am just talking in general. Heck it is even illegal in Jamicica and they attack you as soon as your plan lands and you can smoke it descreatly in the resort, but it is still breaking the law and good luck getting locked up out of the country. Look I really don’t care what people do with there own life, this is just my opinion and I think drugs are stupid and make people stupid. So I am all for drugs being illegal. If they are not we would have to come up with a bunch of laws saying : if you carry more then this amount” or “if you are under the age of 21” or “ And if you are pregnant” I like the simple law, It is illegal and you will get busted.

Answer #15

I think it is Failure, I am aganist drugs. And yes I have been exposed to them and lost a cousin at the age of 18 from coke, two more young men from drugs. I think it is ridiculous that people feel they need to have a drug to have fun, relax, or to calm down. I have seen people in their most pathetic times and actions while under the influnce of Marijuana. They have done things and acted in ways that are just unacceptable. I think it challenges and changies friendships and in some case people will make bad choices just to get a fix. It does not effect everyone the same way. I do beleive in doctors prescribing it as treatment to a patience and must be montoried. I just don’t see the reason for anyone wanting to put something in their body that could be fatal. Cancer, breating problems. I think it is a stage that you should grow out of at some point in your life. I would not want a doctor working on my after he just got high on his lunch break, or my babysitter watching my child while under the influence. To me it is just dumb and very childish.

Answer #16

LOL LOL LOL. Next time I answer one of your questions, I will make sure it is a short answer so I don’t confuse anyone. For real. I can’t not beleive the way this question and the answers are being twisted. My answer still is the same. I think it should be illegal. Stop brining up other comparrison’s. That is like asking “ Why can’t I choose to wear my seatbelt or not” or “ Why can’t I choose to wear my helmet or not when I ride my motorcycle” I have never judged you Captainassassin, so why have you judged me? As I said before this site is for entertainment for me. I really don’t give a S*it what any of you do with your life or your beliefs. So I should be allowed to post my thoughts, And how do you know If I truly really even agree with you or not? Just because I type in on a computer where millions of people have access to it. LOL. Have a great day all. Hugs and Kisses Baby Doll —Thanks Mandyloo, I like that name.

Answer #17

“I think it is ridiculous that people feel they need to have a drug to have fun, relax, or to calm down.” -Yet it’s perfectly acceptable for people to have a drink to have fun, relax, and calm down.

“I just don’t see the reason for anyone wanting to put something in their body that could be fatal.” -Marijuana is NOT fatal. You can not overdose from Marijuana. You can get lung cancer from smoking it, but you can also get lung cancer from ciggarettes.

Harleyrider, you seem to be focusing on the fact that marijuana is illegal. When in fact, I just stated that Marijuana was legalized in small amounts in Mass. I didn’t ask your opinion on Marijuana, I asked what people thought about it being legalized. You are missing the important points here. The jail space that it will save. The taxes that the government can get from it. How cops can be out catching real criminals, instead of busting lil teenagers with dime bags.

Answer #18

I have never judged you Captainassassin, so why have you judged me?

Not judging you, asking you to validate your opinion in some way. You aren’t confusing anyone, you just haven’t provided a solid background for your standpoint.

Stop brining up other comparrison’s. That is like asking “ Why can’t I choose to wear my seatbelt or not” or “ Why can’t I choose to wear my helmet or not when I ride my motorcycle”

Its NOTHING like that. The comparison is between one potentially addictive, life ruining drug that’s LEGAL, and another less addictive, potentially life ruining drug that’s ILLEGAL. Why is it okay for alcohol to be legal, but not marijuana?

So far, you can’t respond to that.

So I should be allowed to post my thoughts

And you should be able to explain them as well…

So I should be allowed to post my thoughts, And how do you know If I truly really even agree with you or not?

Your posts indicate that you don’t… and that you can’t really explain WHY, either. And if you’re just being insincere for some stupid reason, then that only invalidates your opinions further.

Answer #19

You have got to be kidding me, are you both joking? I never took insult to you saying Baby Doll, I thanked you. How does that get twisted?

I never compared Mafijuana to Alcohol> Mandyloo did. As a matter of fact I don’t beleive I brought up Alcohol once in my previous answers. My answer to this question for the third or fourth time now is I think it should be illegal.

I feel I have explained why I feel it should be illegal and I feel my first answer was very clear on why I feel this way.

If you want to know my thoughts on alcohol, I will wait for that question since Captian does not seem to think I understood the question the first time.

Look, you have to be honest with yourself, there are people who can use any mind altering drug ( legal or not) and still live a productive life and stay under the radar. Now here is where reality comes in. There are a lot of people that can’t control anything they do while under the influence of anything no matter what it is. Their lives come tumbling down and before they know it they hit rock bottom and loose everything, I just think changing the law may encourge people to think it is less harmful for them and unless you know where you are getting it, Pot is not always just Pot, it is mixed with many things now. I think this open’s up a can or worms for people to push the envelope.

So with that being said. I am not offended by any of your responses, I am not “struggling with alcohol is a drug too!” And me not sharing every little detail about why I feel the way I do does not give anyone good reason to judge my character or my personaliy. It is simply saying. Reality check, this is a computer people came make themselves up to be anything they want to be and ask questions we don’t know if they are really even true, With out talking to someone face to face about certian topic’s I don’t think it is fare to go from “oh she hates pot so she must not drink either”. Really guys this is crazy. People are going to answer questions the way they want to. No one should get mad at anyone for answering it the “wrong way” because guess what, there is No “wrong way” If you ask a question, read and take what you need, leave the rest if bothers you. Thanks

Answer #20

I never compared Mafijuana to Alcohol> Mandyloo did.

I KNOW. I brought it up too… THAT was the point. WHY should marijuana be ILLEGAL, if alcohol is LEGAL?

If you want to know my thoughts on alcohol, I will wait for that question since Captian does not seem to think I understood the question the first time.

I still don’t.

Look, you have to be honest with yourself, there are people who can use any mind altering drug ( legal or not) and still live a productive life and stay under the radar. Now here is where reality comes in. There are a lot of people that can’t control anything they do while under the influence of anything no matter what it is. Their lives come tumbling down and before they know it they hit rock bottom and loose everything.

Yes, and the rest of the ‘responsible’ population shouldn’t be punished for those individuals’ lack of self-control. You should compare the number of people who consume alcohol, with the number of people struggling with alcoholism. The same will happen with cannabis…

I just think changing the law may encourge people to think it is less harmful for them and unless you know where you are getting it, Pot is not always just Pot, it is mixed with many things now. I think this open’s up a can or worms for people to push the envelope.

Legalizing it will also mean Federal taxing, regulation and restriction of what’s added to it.

No one should get mad at anyone for answering it the “wrong way” because guess what, there is No “wrong way” If you ask a question, read and take what you need, leave the rest if bothers you.

That’s contradictory… and who’s mad?

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