Why do I lose half my body weight in less than a week when I am worried or stressed?

Answer #1

the thing is i dont know how to stop worrying and when i worry i cant sleep which causes me to feel very unhappy and lost of my appetite.

Answer #2

I can’t imagine that you are losing “half” your body weight … you’d be hospitalized, if not dead. Anyway, you answered your own question - when you worry, you lose your appetite.

Answer #3

. I presume you are exaggerating for dramatic effect, because it simply is not possible to lose half your body weight in less than a week unless unless you have had some sort of extreme surgery or horrific accident. . It would help if you could indicate hwat your height and “normal weight” is and what the extreme maximum and minimum weights are that you have measured in this period of “less than a week”.
. I would also be interested to know roughly how many litres of fluids you normally consume in a 24 hour period, and how your fluid intake is affected during these periods of worry and stress. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #4

i lost a lot of weight when i was worried about certain stuff about my ex boyfriend and i lost a lot of weight i am just about 5 ft and about 36lbs :/

Answer #5

But if you eat absolutely nothing with any nutritional value for a period of one week, and only drink plain water to stop yourself becoming seriously dehydrated you will probably only lose about one kilogram to 2.5 pounds. To lose more body tissue weight than that you would also have to be doing very significant amounts of exercise to burn off additional calories. e.g. to lose 5 pounds of body tissue weight in one week while not consuming any calories - you would need to do about 4 hours of cycling every day for a week while just consuming enough water to maintain your hydration level to continue the intensive exercise without ending up in hospital with severe dehydration.

Answer #6

Ludicrous. 36 pounds is roughly the weight of a very small very thin underweight five year old girl around 3 foot 4 inches tall.

Answer #7

Yes … you’re right about that … I meant that the weight loss in general was due to a loss of appetite (aside from her obvious over-dramatization of how much weight she’s really losing)

Answer #8

I REALLY lose a lot of weight i went to the doctor and they don’t know why this always happen to me. i lose and gain weight very easy and quick. i only gain weight when i am not worrying over anything it has nothing to do with the amount of food that i eat. even when i live at a fast food restaurant i don’t gain weight if i am worrying .

Answer #9

When you’re worried or stressed, you’re most likely burning more energy. This is most likely from a combo of sleeping less, being busy, eating less (your appetite decreases), and possibly your body’s metabolism increases. This would cause you to lose lot’s of weight very quickly.

Answer #10

sometimes is a problem with ur emotions some ppl eat a lot wen they are in stressed some dont urs is to loose weight its normal

Answer #11

Agree with everything already said, but wish to add that I used to not eat when I got stressed but then when I started just eating really healthy and drinking a lot of water it soothed the stress levels much more and made me feel much better. Working out helps (ONLY if you are eating, no passing out please) and also taking care of what is stressing you out. If it is because you are procrastinating, get it done while eating a salad and apple on the way ;) That way you are eating, and not putting your body into starvation mode (hence how you gain weight easily too). Not eating only creates more stress. You will feel better if you eat the RIGHT foods and take care of what the problem is.

Answer #12

It could also be that when you worry and stress out, in addition to not eating/sleeping, you become more active in doing things exerting more energy and burning more calories. I have an Aunt that when she is in stress/worry mode, tears her house apart cleaning everything from top to bottom nonstop. She takes “keeping busy” to a whole new level. As for relieving stress and worry you cold try journaling whatever is bothering you and how you feel about it. Transferring the stress to paper sometimes relieves it. Also some self help postive motivational books could help.

Answer #13

Your loss of appetite is more than likely the reason for your weight loss.

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