How to get by when you're living in a rich kid's world but you're poor?

Answer #1

what do you mean

Answer #2

Don’t waste money on things that you don’t need. . When it comes to the things that you do need - don’t spend extra money getting the fashionable brand names when the bottom of the range equivalent will suffice just as well. . Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species, but even the dumb wild animals get by with no money at all.
It can’t be all that hard. . Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #3

I do not want to sound unsympathetic to what you are feeling but here in Central America where I do volunteer work the word ‘poor’ has a whole new meaning…

Here poor people live in overcrowded houses.

Impoverished kids live in shacks, ruined buildings or on the street.

Answer #4

Make rich buddies, borrow/leech as much as money as you can. And then spend smart so you can get whatever you need and make look like you’re rich. While being able to repay your friends in time, that is if they even care to be repaid :P

Answer #5

O O O H H ! (goes all dreamy eyed) I used to dream of living in a shack, ruined building or on the street when I were a lad. …… .

Answer #6

HUH ??

Answer #7

I’m assuming you are going to a private school on a scholarship or something, my advice, having been in a similar situation, is to spend the money you do have on things like branded shirts and bags, and just buy cheap things like jeans and underwear etc. You don’t have to spend money on everything. Use auction websites to get second hand branded items at a fraction of the rrp. Most in fantastic condition. I understand the need to fit in here, and the need for branded and expensive items. I’m not going to tell you to be yourself and that expensive clothes aren’t necessary because that’s a lie. You obviously aren’t ‘poor’ as you are online on a computer right now, so I’m guessing you are just middle class whereas your friends are wealthy. Get a part time job. Save a bit of money.

Answer #8

I meant…How do you deal with the stress since my dad left and we couldve been living better lives and i’m stuck around people who say ‘I just have to ask my mom, and she’ll give me what i want’ or ‘when i get an A+, my mom gives me 100$’ (No joke) when for me, its the other way around, if i get 90+ it’s just a good job. I’m in too many extra curricular activities to even get a part time job, plus don’t forget, hwk everyday since i’m taking academic. I just don’t want to feel like i have to compete and that people are expected more of me. And when people brag its just a reminder of my dad, and i just don’t know how to react or how to do deal….So that’s what i mean. Sorry bt the rant. :/

Answer #9

be yourself, thats always the best way out of situationns, like these….

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