I hate being poor

one thing im gettin really sick of is never having money… I mean my family is doing ‘’ok’’ by getting by. but I hate when kids at school talk about how money is no big thing to them because their parents are so wealth. I wish they could live a day in my shoes. I mean I make my self presentable so know one really knows. but my mom freaked out on me when I asked her to get me a new pair of shoes I mean after all the ones I had got pretty worn down after 2 and a half years. I have a job and I try to take care of my basic needs. but still my parent think I can support my self all alone already. I think I have been a pretty good sport growin up with not much and not really ever getting what I want on my birthday or holidays honostly I could care less about that, I just wish it wasnt such a hastle for my family to get every day things like I wouldnt mind if our fridge was always full, is that too much to ask for?? im sooo sick of being poor, am I just whinning or do I have a reason??

Answer #1

If you just stop ‘whinning’ then you wil become powerless and miserable - so thats not the thing to do here. What you have, surrounding this issue is very valuable; lots of energy and emotion. Dont suppress it, it will be harmfull Keep the energy but think a little differently. Strong energy is a powerfull ally to a thought , so use it for your purpose. Every morning, or night- or both you need to look at your finances, allow yourself to be honest - be in touch with how you feel about not having your needs met - angry, worthless, frustrated- FEEL IT- and then think- this is NOT ENOUGH. I need more money. Be specific about how much you need, that usually helps. Along with thinking, you need to be open to any opportunities that arise, regarding money. You have to do what you can when opportunities present themselves. If you don’t have time to work, then you need to look for opportunities that do not require a lot of your time. Another idea is that you think about needing shoes, food or books , rather than think about money. Religious people have their way of doing the above - they call it prayer, and they ask God to help them. If you are religious, tell God that you are unhappy, show him how angry and sad you feel, you know he knows you deserve better, and wants you to flourish, so ask him to show you the way - then be obedient to what he shows you. I don’t know why, but this does seem to need to be something you do everyday. The days when I forget, always bring less fortune. There is enough wealth in this world for everone to have what they need to flourish and be happy. (I said flourish, not survive )

Answer #2

I know it’s late to answer your question, but there may be others in the same situation. I grew up on food stamps wearing handme downs from cousins to my older brother to me. We had no money but we always had love. Pay attention in school - grades and the work ethic behind getting good ones really does matter. Be nice/pleasant to people - even the ones that aren’t nice to you or don’t understand your situation. Keep yourself clean - hygene is still pretty close to free. It will get better!

It may sound crazy, but open a savings account and try to put $1 in it per week - even if it’s change. The only way to not feel poor is to have a bit of financial security. The only way to get financial security is to start - no matter what level you start at.

Keep in mind that 15 years from now, no one will remember that you didn’t have the fashionable clothes or nice car. They will remember that you were always a nice person who treated people good.

I now make over 100k per year and have for the last 5 years - and to some extent - I still feel poor. There will always be classmates - co-workers - neighbors that seem to have more and probably do. That’s OK. 15 years from now none of my co-workers or neighbors will remember if my suit costs 1,000 or 250 or that I drove a old Chevy Impalla and not a new BMW. I hope they will remember I was a hard worker who was always willing to help.

Answer #3

I found this post through google, I was feeling blue, I was raised in a large family, one parent five kids. I love my Mother, shes given everything she has for us. Family will probably be one of the most important things in your life, cherish it. I have been working since I was 13. I also have many bouts of depression. Through all of this I see many people struggle just to make ends meet. Its hard and it seems to be getting harder. I think the crux of the problem isn’t laziness. Of course there are some that are, but I see so many hard working people. I work in a gas station full time and I take whatever part time work I can get. I do what I can to help my family. The problem in my opinion is greed of those that have made earning money in to almost a game. If you dig enough you will find that the top 10 percent of the world owns 80 percent of the wealth. I feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with that. One does not need millions and millions of dollars to survive. There are those with billions. I find it to be ludicrous. A few things must change with our societies. I feel that in the United States of America the corporations have too much power. Who holds most shares of the corporations? The wealthy, so basically those with the most wealth wield too much power. They do this through the lobbying system. The oil corporations, medical corporations, and the banking system all have their boot on the neck of the average joe. It is not right. I hope a day comes when the average joe realizes that this is the case. School is important. I start college this fall, educate your self. Stock your mind. It is the only thing that no one can take from you. Treat it as though it is a palace. Do unto others as you would to yourself, and you will at the very least I am certain be able to properly care for yourself.

Answer #4

Me too I hate bein poor like im 17 I live with my mom just me and her and were barley makin like were prtty poor too my mom didnt finsh school thats why she works a low payment job and I cant get hired every time I try I dont even have a resume or how to make one like our fridge is never full hardly my mom only makes like 6 or 7 hundred every 2 weeks like we cant even get by with that cause she has to pay bills like Hydro and phone bill and Rent like all that comes up to like 6 hundred or so like really I hate bein poor and I cant go back to school I always get kicked out or im too scared to go cause of gettin beaten up by other boys cause I live in a gang area and no I aint in a gang I just live in tha hood like cause if I get caught in a other hood by boys like me theyll kick my butt its like a gang thing so thats why I dont go to school and im like in grade 9 I cant finsh and I cant join tha amry want to do but I have to finsh school and I cant go to school cause livin in tha ghetto and I hardly have any new clothes I freakin hate livin poor Some times I wake up in tha morning and I ask myself is life worth livin should I blast myself im tired of bein poor and I dont Steal or Do things like that cause my mom didint raise my that way I kind of used 2 steal when I was a kidd probably cause my friends are bad influcences like I wish tha rich can live bein poor for one day and tha poor livin rich for one day and keep changing like work shifts but nah its not like that but I deno I guess thats just tha way it is

Answer #5

“Money” is something that I was not born with but have come to master in life so perhaps my perspective is different than what you have read above. Let me tell you a story of how I came to my current state…

My father was a manic depressive bi-polar man who never was anything other than self-employed his whole life. We went from extreme wealth (think a private jet and helicopter and sports cars) to living in the family car MANY times. We would have live-in maids and staff at times and then the next year be eating government cheese and sleeping outside. As my father’s activities were less than legal we would often just have to leave all that wealth behind in the night. Toys, schools, friends…This manic insanity led me to find pleasure in poverty and wealth in the mind and heart. Step 1. Fear and jealousy and self loathing are within your control and must be beaten. It helps to truly realize that wealth is not happiness. Yes, of course if you are already a happy person then money just makes life more fun. But at a fundamental level there are many rich sad people out there. You have just as much chance of being a good person no matter your financial situation.

Step 2. Educate yourself. I’m impressed with the intelligence of the people posting above. Clearly they have what it takes to generate wealth. When you can afford it, go watch two movies: 1. The Bank (came out in 2001) and 2. The Count of Monte Cristo (came out in 2002). Here are people (albeit fictional ones) who want something greater than money and their journey begins with the mind. Never give up on educating yourself. Always try to become smarter. Learn a language. Learn mathematics. Learn economics. Learn martial arts.

Step 3. Let go of money as an object and take up a cause. A cause worthy of action and your passion will attract others including employers, investors, and customers. Your family, your looks, your possessions don’t count. OTHER PEOPLE’s family, looks, possessions do count.

Step 4. Follow your heart. Be loving to your family. Be open to love.

Change is the only constant.

Answer #6

“Money” is something that I was not born with but have come to master in life so perhaps my perspective is different than what you have read above. Let me tell you a story of how I came to my current state… My father was a manic depressive bi-polar man who never was anything other than self-employed is whole life. We went from extreme wealth (think a private jet and helicopter and sports cars) to living in the family car MANY times. We would have live in maids and staff at times and then the next year be eating goverment cheese. As my father’s activities were less than legal we would often just have to leave all that wealth behind in the night. Toys, schools, friends…This manic insanity led me to find pleasure in poverty and wealth in the mind and heart. Step 1. Fear and jealousy and self loathing are within your control and must be beaten. It helps to truely realize that wealth is not happiness. Yes, of course if you are already a happy person then money just makes life more fun. But at a fundamental level there are many rich sad people out there. You have just as much chance of being a good person no matter your financial situation. Step 2. Educate yourself. I’m impressed with the intelligence of the people posting above. Clearly they have what it takes to generate wealth. If you have enough money at all, go watch two movies. 1. The Bank (came out in 2001) and 2. The count of Monte Cristo (came out in 2002). Here are people (albeight fictional ones) who want something greater than money and their journey begins with the mind. Never give up on educating yourself. Always try to beomce smarter. Learn a language. Learn mathematics. Learn economics. Learn martial arts. Step 3. Let go of money as an object and take up a cause. A cause worthy of action and your passion will attract others including employers, investors, and customers. Step 4. Follow your heart. Be loving to your family. Be open to love. Change is the only constant.

Answer #7

You have a legitimate complaint. I hate being semi-poor too. I am not poor enough to qualify for government help, but I live pay-check to pay-check and have been my entire adult life. I was told that I should get a good education. I did that. I went to college and law school. I worked at least 10 hours per week every semester and lived with roommates in crappy apartments and ate more beans and rice than I care to remember. I see about 1 movie in a theater per year, don’t own a car, don’t have a TV, have shoes that are eight years old, and get most of my clothes from friends. I don’t know what else I am supposed to cut out. Now that graduation is approaching, I am still going to be poor because of my huge school debt. Despite being in the top 5% of top 20 law school with a clerkship and a biglaw job lined up for my first 2 years after graduation, I feel depressed and overwhelmed by my school debt. I wish I could say that college was the answer, but sometimes I wish I had gotten a 2 year RN degree and didn’t bother with any of the rest of it! Anyway, you are not alone and your feelings seem completely normal to me.

Answer #8

Hang in there buddy, just do everything you can to make sure you won’t remain that way the rest of your life. Is okay not to be rich.Hopefully oneday you’ll have enough to keep yourself up decently and have enough to eat and be able to afford shoes, when you need them. Just don’t have kids until you know you can support them ok. You don’t want another person to go through what you are. I wish I could help you someway. There are organizations that help the poor. If you have to do it yourself, get intouch with them.(I don’t know how your parents would feel about outside help. hopefully they aren’t abusive in anyway?) If you think they won’t mind,try your area churches to start with ok. They could help out with food,clothing etc… DON”T GIVE UP! KEEP LOOKING!I don’t know you, but I’ll be praying and thinking of you everyday ok!

I’m poor myself, with 2 kids, who suffer because I wasn’t ready for them, my husband works, but I have alot of illnesses that prevent me from working. We barely have enough to get by sometimes. It’s really hard. Be good…Angie

Answer #9

my parents sometimes can’t afford to buy food or even a $2 coffee. I know they want to give me everything they can, and they do- but I know it makes them sad to not have anything to give to my sisters and me for Christmas or our birthdays. I’m actively trying to change my luck by graduating university next year, finding internships and jobs, and then pursue graduate studies and invest invest invest.

I’ve promised myself to never have my own biological children. I can never bring them into a world with so much misery and pain, emotional roller coasters, and injustice.

Answer #10

How old are you? Do your parents work? Our fridge is never full either. I think we are poor. But the goverment doesn’t agree. We pay for everything. I get aggravated when I am in the store with my little bit of cash and the person in front of me will have a ebt card, and be driving a new car. And I am driving a piece of crap. Because I actually have to buy my own groceries. Yeah I hate it too. And being the mom I give every dime I make to my children. I just work for them. Don’t give up it will get better. How are your grades? Can you get a scholarship or financial aide? I wouldn’t recommend joining the army right now. You hate being poor, not being alive right. Alot of our soldiers are dying and getting hurt and for what? Don’t join. How many kids are in your family?

Answer #11

You sound like a great kid– hang in there. Whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. When you grow up you’ll know much better about how to manage you money then your spoiled peers do. Good luck

Answer #12

I dont mean to sound like im accusing u but dont take what you have for granted [not to be conceited but] I lived in a shelter for like a year and I still live in a shelter-based program and trust me if I could go back and learn to love and appreciate what I had I so would not to mention we are all lucky to have what we have no matter

oh yeah and dont listen to those snobby f**ks lol

Answer #13

I’m sixteen, I don’t have a cell phone because my parents can’t afford to buy me one.. not even a cheap 40 dollar phone, it has hindered my social life so much. I am not writing this in a way of gaining pity- I want to relate with, ironically, more than half of america’s population as of now. I don’t have any healthcare, my parents are on welfare and food stamps. money is what’s bringing us problems, and it’s tearing my family apart. my parents always fight about money. I tend to avoid going shopping, not only because I don’t have any money to buy anything, but it is a constant reminder of how poor my family and I actually are. I have two older brothers, who are getting more and more independent as they become older. it hurts to see them buy a house, a new plasma tv, new dvds of the simpsons, whilst my parents talk about how a man came over to our house asking for the last two house payments. it hurts when my friends tell me about how they’ve gone on a family trip to disneyland, or hawaii or some other exotic, pricey place. I have never gone to disneyland. my family has never gone on a fancy trip to anywhere. we don’t go out to restaurants, or to places to entertains us (the movies, downtown, ice skating) none of that. it hurts to see how there are rich people, who have it easy in life. I am a good kid, I get great grades in school, and I’m beginning to realize education is one of the most important things in your life. it is key to determining where you want to be in life, and what you want to become. NEVER ignore your education. I hope you find bliss in this tumultuous world.

Answer #14

Not in a rude way… but I do feel bad for your experiences.. unlike most of you I have been raised in quite a wealthy family ..I am 19 and am studying at uni with the support of my family… I have been been given everything by parents who work hard (not saying your parents dont)

but unlike most rich people, I am a supporter of communism, I do think the world needs to be fairer on others.

Answer #15

I hate being poor too, im 15, my mums opend a cafe nearly a year old…and shes been supporting itvia her private account, but now shes in overdraft in that, and the buisness account, so were doing really bad, plus shes single so no support…my dad isnt rich but hes married again and hes just bought the new iphone…gonna buy a new 50 inch TV…bought my step sister a 23inch HD for her room…going lanzarote soon…and I feel he doesnt give me the treatment he gives my step sister…he doesnt pay maintenence…but he bought her that TV out of the blue…n got her the new ipod for her birthday…I knowi shouldnt whine about things like this but be fare…my mums working in her cafe christmas day just so we can buy a new like plasma TV but probs cant do that now cause of the finances…I have an old mobile and I hate it…id love an iphone…so im gonna look for a weekend job…paper round and secretly put money into her bag so shes doing abit better…and then save up myself…but we can bearly afford to do anything…we bought a kitchen of ebay last summer…it still isnt finished..main bits are done…but doesnt look finshed or anything yet…I do have a good life and always been supported…but it would be nice to have top of the range stuff for once

Answer #16

I hate being poor too. Mostly because I have 3 children and I can’t give them what they deserve. Now I’ve seen specials on the news and on shows like 20/20 about how they’re going to show me “how to save 800$ per month”! They go to a family who’s living “check to check” and show them what to do to save money. These people are NOT living check to check! They order take out 3 times a week, buy up to three new video games a month, grab breakfast and lunch EVERY day at Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks and so on; they even had 3 premium movie channels and three different magazine subscriptions! MY FAMILY is living check to check. We have basic cable, DO NOT eat out or go to the movies. There are NO new video games bought, no Dunkin Donuts. We save up for months to bring our kids to the movies once or twice a year and roll penny’s to go food shopping at WAL-MART never mind the local supermarket!! We cancled the water delivery, the netflix, and the magazines. We had to give away pets so we wouldn’t have to feed them, we borrowed 600$ to put 200 gallons of oil in our furnace and keep the heat at 65 all winter so as to make it last all winter! We buy the kids clothes at the local salvation army because the discount places are too expensive. And yes, we both have jobs. GOOD jobs! Between us we make about 70 thousand a year. We have a mortgage of 2 thousand dollars a month and a car payment of 300 a month (which is PAID OFF in 7 more months). So I can understand about being poor and how much you hate it. I hate it too. I hate that people like those people I saw on the news can THINK they’re poor. That they can CLAIM they’re poor! It irritates me that people are out there with credit up the wazoo and buying things at the Mall or online and I can’t even afford second hand clothes for my kids most times! My mortgage is killing me, I know that (9% interest rate!) but renting is just as expensive- we have 3 boys so we’d need a place at LEAST with 2 bedrooms. The economy in the US has to change. It has to peak, crest, come to a head- whatever you want to call it. I think there really are more and more people in my position but you never hear from them. They’re too busy trying to stay alive. FOR REAL. I can’t help you in how to deal with it. I just take each day at a time- everything happens for a reason (unfortunately). Your time WILL come- you just have to belive that. And know that as long as you are positive, it’ll get better.

Answer #17

I HATE being poor too.. my dad’s a plummer and my mom doesnt have a job because she can’t work.. there’s me, my 2 older brothers, and my parents living in one small house.. we have very little to wear.. & we wouldnt have anything to eat if it wasnt for my parents having a Food stamps card.. we can NEVER afford to do anything, because we keep falling behind on our bills.. my parents cant even afford to get us anything for Christmas. It breaks my heart, I hate seeing all these RICH people driving nice cars, or living in nice houses or having nice things knowing my family cant afford things like that.. I do have Rich family but they Dont want nothing to do with us because were poor. it hurts, it Really does. I wish I wasnt poor. :(

Answer #18

Me too I hate being poor and I’m always disgusted by how kids at my school is saying, “PTTT, 15 games? I have 21 games” That’s ridiculous I don’t even have a game that’s bought by my parents and I’m a lot smarter than them. I can do math two years ahead of my age and write really good, neat essays. Sometimes I just feel like beating them up, to make them appreciate their lives. For my entire life I’ve only went to the theater once and the other time my uncle paid for it. I have absolutely no movies and when I’m down I play some games on the computer and always ended up getting hit by my mom. She is a horrible person. Whenever the bathroom smells she blames it on me whenever I ask her for something, such as new jeans, which she could by at some places for $3, she says she doesn’t have money for them and for christmas my friends got clothes and said they HATED them. If that was me I’d be happy and thank the giver instead of sighing. How cruel can this world be? Why are people so stupid? Why can’t they be happy what they have? I’d die for a video game or a movie but everyone’s all like I already watch this so lets keep it and watch it again. Why are they so f*ing stupid?

Answer #19

I dont mean to sound like im accusing u but dont take what you have for granted [not to be conceited but] I lived in a shelter for like a year and I still live in a shelter-based program and trust me if I could go back and learn to love and appreciate what I had I so would not to mention we are all lucky to have what we have no matter

oh yeah and dont listen to those snbby f**ks lol

Answer #20

You should do something about it, like join the army or some type of military branch. With the GI bill, you are practically PAID to go to college, not to mention the benefits. Find a recruiter and check it out.

Answer #21

me too! I moved from south africa to england so the exchange took all our money. now we are about 150,000 pounds in debt, my dad got 2,500 pounds taxed off him!!! its 6 days into the month and were another 2,500 grand down. I hate it so much, I never get new things so I know how you feel. people just dont understand what its like for all of us growing up, im still only 14 but I know when im living a good or bad life. at least I have people who care for me, but as many of you will know, sometimes you just want a little more. hopefully our futures will be a little brighter.

Answer #22

i grew up the same way. i even took a job at 15 to pay the mortgage so we could keep the house. but now that im older and have my own kids i dont regret the way i was brought up. i can take 100 dollars and make it last 2 months. we never have an empty fridge or the lights turned off because i was raised the way i was. youll gain the knowlede to survive. dont get to frustrated.

Answer #23

you can sign up to [link removed] and get the free stuffs people are giving away- cds, clothes, food, games, toys, gadgets and more. [link removed] is a non-profit organisation which is all about showing generosity, kindness and love. you can sell whatever u get for extra cash.

Answer #24

you can sign up to feelthegenerosity website and get the free stuffs people are giving away- cds, clothes, food, games, toys, gadgets and more. feelthegenerosity.com is a non-profit organisation which is all about showing generosity, kindness and love. you can sell whatever u get for extra cash.

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