Living on The Moon.

There talking an trying out to see if they can colonize the moon by putting humans on the moon an would you volunteer to go see if you would like to live up there on the moon?

Answer #1

yayaya I wud!!pic me

Answer #2

*because humans will inevitably end up destroing it and polluting it with rubbish

You cant pollute something with no atmosphere, But im srure we’d find another way to make it happen.

Answer #3

no while the idea of it seems great I dont see the point of trying to colonise another planet because humans will inevitably end up destroing it and polluting it with rubbish

Answer #4

Definitely,I have always wanted to go up there,who knows it maybe a good experience.

Answer #5

Yeah, and we wouldn’t pollute it, we would use it to our advantage and some idiotic third party will appear again and say “HEY THERE EXPERIENCING GLOBAL WARMING ON THE MOON WE NEED TO FIX IT” and of course they would take action and cause a big ruckus and break it some more before the fix it and we would have learned from our mistake and go on from there, thats what man kind has done, that’s what we will always do

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