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Its just a big melting pot of different cultures. There really isn’t any other way to describe it. That is the way its been described for ages and it continues to this day. Thats what I see anyways.
How are latino immigrant treated by their same culture in the - 1 Answers
How are latino immigrant treated by their same culture in the united states?
Cultural connections? - 1 Answers
What is a u.s. Cultural connection?
Do you see a contradiction in policy? - 3 Answers
Read this today: A clown in the UK has been told he can't use balloons for fear of latex allergies among minors, yet in the U...
Was this said today ? - 5 Answers
I wanted to see all the ceremonies today but was unable - I heard it was said in a prayer, 'may we work for that day when whi...
How does someone from brazil mexico become a citizen of the u - 1 Answers
How does someone from brazil mexico become a citizen of the us?
How do you think MLK would feel about today's affirmative action? - 1 Answers
With Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday coming up, how do you think he would feel about today's affirmative action policie...
How many ethnic groups live in Europe today? - 1 Answers
its for a study guide for s test 2morrow and I desperately need to pass so if anyone knows or thinks they know please help
How did slavery influence us today? - 10 Answers
How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today
What's different culture between united states and chinese? - 5 Answers
I am a new member from china,I don't know what's question I shall ask for a short while? I have never been abroad since I was...
Do you see Satan's face in smoke of world trade center? - 8 Answers
look at this image of the world trade center smoke. If you look closely what do you see?
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