Should I join the Occupy America movement?

Ask yourself.

Answer #1

I really don’t think so. Do you even know why they are occupying these places? You can ask three different people and they’ll give you three different answers. It’s just one big mess and I wouldn’t get involved if I were you.

Answer #2

The cause is great and they’re definitely shedding light on a situation that most people overlook, but it’s messy and unorganized and frankly, not very well done. So, no. I support them completely but I’m not part of it.

Answer #3

Ummm no

Answer #4

The Occupy movement doesn’t have an address where you can send in your dues and get back an official membership card. If Connor talks favorably with his friends about “the cause” as he understands it, I’d say he has joined the movement.

I’ve never spent the night at the Occupy Boston camp, but I did unexpectedly lead a Sabbath service there one Friday night, and my wife volunteers for some evening shifts there to provide mental health crisis care for those who need it, and we’ve donated equipment to them.

I’m glad the movement hasn’t narrowed its focus to two or three specific reforms. That’s how the elite want to reabsorb the energy back into the broken two-party system so nothing really changes. The point is, we need of a massive political, economic, even cultural shift, if our country is to start working reasonably well for the vast majority of us. If that means it takes a little longer than I might like before this self-organizing group can formulate a transformative vision with broad appeal, then so be it - even though I have my own ideas about that vision.

Meanwhile, I hope to spend more at the camp, and to participate in some of the discussions and some of the political actions. But whether I do that or not, I consider myself to be one of the faces of the movement!

Answer #5

that’s exactly why I’m considering getting involved. I want to help them find their collective voice. There are alot of crazies and junkies doing it just for the opportunities involved, but there are also alot of true American patriots who are ready to give up their daily lives to exercise their rights as free citizens and see a change to the better ways of government and national economy in this young and easily swayed experiment of a Nation.

Answer #6

lol I just realized something. You can’t spell Patriots without riot.

Answer #7

paradigm shift…

Answer #8

Oops, *spend more time at the camp, lol

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