Why isn't the word p!ssed allowed on Funadvice?

Answer #1

Probably because it’s considered a filthy word?

Answer #2

hows its considered a filthy word..? like I seriosuly don’t really understand! PLEASE explain! not trying to act smart! i just reallly don’t knoww!!!!!! thanks:)

Answer #3

We have to earn money from the site to keep it running. The way how we earn money, is through advertising. Advertisers don’t like to run their ads near those words.

Just imagine, you asked a question about how to get into college, so the advertisers see that and run an ad about getting into university, or doing some online courses. Then later on, down in the answers, you reply using any of those words…. We get in trouble with the advertisers, some innocent person reading the questions and answers get pi$$ed with us for putting dirty words on the site (it happens constantly).

So, we made a choice. No dirty words. Easy. It keeps the site clean, and we push content with those kinds of words off into the mature section.

The ONLY exception is when you are replying to a question that was already marked as “mature”. We allow you to type anything in there.

So thats why. I hope this reply has been useful for you. If it has, please give me a point

Answer #4

Because the website is gay :) xx

Answer #5

Alrite Thank you :) i like that reason! and it was been useful!

Answer #6

you just ask for points? o_O…

Answer #7

yea LOL hee did!

Answer #8

Just because it’s not professional language?

Answer #9

true true…

Answer #10

Thanks ! A very interesting and useful response.
You deserve the point(s).

Answer #11

oh LOL sarah^

Answer #12

yeaaa i did to. :)

Answer #13

Well, I’m not really sure…I don’t make the rules, nor do I control the word filter. Sarah, I can assure you, this site is not gay. :] Unless you mean happy, then yes…it is a very happy site! :D

Answer #14

ahhhaa Angelee!! it is soo happy!

Answer #15

Well, there is your answer! :D Thanks Ericson! :]

Answer #16

I guess its considered a “bad word” it doesnt seem like a big deal to me, but I guess some people could take offense to it…….. not sure how but im sure they can. Otherwise I dont see any reason why we shouldnt be able to say that.

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