Is this a good law or bad law ?

Colorado Governor Bill Ritter has signed a bill that has shocked many of the state’s residents - open bathrooms - This bill allows men to go into women’s restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa because we are told that we cannot discriminate against someone with a transgender status - I’m wondering if the Ladies here would be concerned - from a safety aspect - that the person next to you or in there at the same time as your daughter, wearing a dress might have a difference in equipment - the question: Is this a good law or bad law ?

Transgender identity includes many overlapping categories. These include transsexual (TS); cross-dresser (CD); transvestite (TS); androgynes; people who live cross-gender; drag kings; and drag queens. Usually not included because it is considered to be a paraphilia (rather than gender identification) are transvestic fetishists

Answer #1

Now how many Attacks by men in womens restrooms and Women in mens rooms to we have on record?

Answer #2

Also, how in the hell is in an invasion of privacy? No one is allowed to go into private stalls, and if you put urinals in stalls, no one would see anyone else’s genitals by accident, which shouldn’t be a big deal for grown-ups anyway.

If women can see each other wash their hands and it’s ok, why isn’t it ok for a man to see you wash your hands?

Answer #3

Such a fine example of how members of the Democratic Party think. . . Almost brings a tear to my eye. . . . .

Ya I was laughing that hard. . .

Answer #4

So…does this law allow only transgender men/women to enter into the lady’s/men’s room or any man? It’s true that you don’t want to discriminate, and I don’t discriminate against anyone. But…a regular old man, like a child predator could just decide for one day to go into the girl’s bathroom and do whatever. I’m on the fence on this one.

Answer #5

Well half of you people on here think that its alright to have this law in place. Any pervert could come in the ladies room and do something that shouldn’t be right. If men dressed like a woman and ect. then they’re dorky. ambilest is right, there are allot of Trans Gender, Drag Queens Drag kings ect. that could be coming into these open restrooms and other public places as the locker rooms and do whatever they feel like doing to harm those women, or for those who have children. I still think that those perverts need there own separate restrooms and stay put. I don’t agree with half of you that answered this question so, if some of you ladies aren’t concerned, then that’s your loss.

Answer #6

Promiscuous behavior in restrooms happen in bathrooms all over the place… not just gays. ahem

As for sexual predators - NOTHING gives them an invitation to sexually assault someone. If a woman is dress scantily it is NOT inviting a sexual predator. So likewise open restrooms does not either. (besides… just like what underwaterophelia said… private stalls. If it looks like a woman, talks like a woman and walks like a woman… who are you to say otherwise - you haven’t seen the person’s genitals, have you???)

Also if you know anything about sexual predators, the assault is usually about power and not really about sex.

xox Sika

Answer #7

Amblessed, what if your daughter or wife goes into the women’s room, and there is a man hiding in there who attacks her? It would not matter what the sign on the door said, because the attacker is not concerned with the law.

Say this happens, and it’s a bathroom for both sexes–now, if there’s an attacker, you could be in the bathroom with them to protect them.

Answer #8

how much stupider can they get…that law is beyond bad…like its been said..a rapiest can be right beside you your friend daughter etc…and anyone that agrees to it is just as stupid and ignorant…I dont even know how to explain how I really feel bout this law…iys just plan stupid

Answer #9

He must have been looped when he signed it…Thats nasty O_O

Answer #10

Transgender identity includes many overlapping categories. These include transsexual (TS); cross-dresser (CD); transvestite (TS); androgynes; people who live cross-gender; drag kings; and drag queens. Usually not included because it is considered to be a paraphilia (rather than gender identification) are transvestic fetishists

Answer #11

Oh my goodness! This law is terrible, I’m all for people having the right to change their gender or whatever, but now all of the sexual offenders can go in there posing as a cross-dresser and rape a woman or a teenager or an unaccompanied young girl! The Governor really needs to reconsider this law because it puts females everywhere in jeopardy!

Answer #12

Wow. . . Talk about paranoid. . That’s what pepper spray is for.

Answer #13

Hands down, stupid law for sure. That is invading privacy and really shouldn’t be allowed anywhere.

Answer #14

An important thing to remember here is that if a man wants to rape someone inside a restroom, he isn’t going to give a hoot about whether he can legally go in there or not. A law or a sign won’t prevent rape.

Answer #15

As I stated NO parent should allow their child to enter a public restroom alone.

I agree with flossheal, trendy but not threatening. And when my son wanted to go alone, I stood outside the door and had him talk to me in a loud voice the entire time. lol.

Answer #16

rnealw - I too am out of this discussion as it has morphed from good or bad law to homosexuals should stay in the closet. Typical… And this is typed on the sarcastic keyboard… If you are different, then you should “hide” and if you are transgender then you are homosexual and probably a predator. we get it…same song, different singer…

Answer #17

underwaterophelia, Consider “Well I guess you ‘Ladys’ aren’t to concerned then.” On this thread. . . I have actually spoken with a few Women for their oppenions on the subject And gave my answers accordingly. The last statement I gave was For ya’ll and I’m out of this silly debate.

Answer #18

It was a intended joke and I’m sorry you took it the wrong way. Just get off my back about it.

Underwaterophelia, we can all see your point and I agree with it totally. I just don’t like that it seems to be encouraging homosexuals to come out in the open.

Answer #19

That wasn’t the point it was a joke. As you can see that’s why I expanded my answer after words. I know that being Gay doesn’t give you a dis advantage on how well you can fight…

You should look into the answer fully before being so quick to judge.

Answer #20

In Britian we have male toilet attendants/cleaners sometimes in the Ladies’. I an used to having them around occasionally and don’t find them a problem. There are individual stalls, after all. They do hang a sign saying: ‘Male cleaner in attendance’ on the door, so you get some warning, though, so if anyone was really bothered they could wait. I can see that this is not an applicable conclusion for the case discussed above, though…

Answer #21

I looked into this law, and no where does it state that public restrooms MUST allow any man in a dress to use a ladies room. That is spin being used by the religious right to scare people into not supporting this very good gay-rights bill. No one supporting this bill has suggested that is what will or should happen. It is nothing but a scare tactic. Just google it and you will see everyone one of these issues about molesters and rapists are only talked about on religious right-wing websites. It is nothing but bigotry that is driving this nonsense.

Answer #22

“these kind of people” my, oh my…how can someone even respond to such ignorance.

Many places have restrooms for male, female and family…and the “family” rooms in many places were created for people with special needs, wheelchair bound, etc. that might need a helper and that helper might be of the opposite gender. the “family” restrooms are also used by fathers to take their daughters, moms to take their sons and so on.

Are some of you so narrow minded that you think that transgenders are predators? the vast majority of rapists are heterosexual and the vast majority of pedophiles are also heterosexual.

Answer #23

So this law shouldn’t even matter… right NOW a man dressed as a woman could go in a women’s restroom. Like I said… looks like a woman, talks like a women and walks like a woman… you haven’t seen their genitals so how do you know?

I’ve seen all sorts or drag kings and drag queens. And yes many of them use their “”cross gender”” restroom. (because they don’t want to be embarrassed going into their proper restroom looking like the opposite gender.) -isn’t that what the law is about?

xox Sika

Answer #24

No. But I don’t fear ANYONE based on their sexual identity… You asked if mothers would be concerned from a safety aspect… That implies there is something to fear…

Fact - the majority of child molesters are heterosexual males, whether they rape boys or girls (97% of all child molesters are male, according to the FBI):

“In one study, 98% of males who raped boys reported that they were heterosexual according to the 1998 article Sexual Abuse of Boys in the Journal of the American Medical Association.”

only 4% of same-sex assaults are homosexual assaults.

Answer #25

Amblessed - are you implying that a transgender is a potential rapist? Where are your facts? Is it just because they practice a lifestyle that is different from yours?

Parents should not allow their child to enter ANY public restroom alone, no matter what gender designation it has.

And, quite honestly, as a woman who is tired of waiting in long lines to use the women’s restroom… Good.

Answer #26

What you didn’t ask…”Is it a STUPID law?”…What’s the frigging point of spending taxpayer money running this thru a state congress??? Is Colorado so rich it has the time and the money to argue and vote on something like this??? Going to the VERY extreme over what??? Transgenders?? I highly doubt that a man would go thru all that mental, emotion, and physical pain, just to get free peeps in the girls can… once he’s gotten rid of his “parts”…and gotten the new parts, he’s a she…period.


Answer #27

In the Court hearing it stated that if a man or woman feels more feminine or manly. He or she can use the opposite bath room. ~Not exactly In thoughs words but its close. Ill try and find the report. It didn’t come out and say for protection witch they would have been better off saying. Ill try and find the report.

There opening the bathrooms for the wrong reasons.

Answer #28

“I still think it’s an open invitation to sexual preditors or and a lot of sexual harrassment cases plus it is an open invitation to promiscuous behavior such as has been reported commonly in Gay bars. .”

Do you honestly think that the kind of person who would do that is going to care about a sign on a door? NO.

So it would be safer if a husband, father, boyfriend, whatever could go into the restroom with the woman or girl in question if he and she thought it necessary.

Answer #29

matt18091 - “I don’t think gay people can fight. I wouldn’t cont on 1 protecting me”

Your stereotypical answer regarding the physical strength and courage of homosexuals is sad at best. I realize you are young but surely not so young that your myopic view of the world and those around you is already formed.

Surely you understand that the ONLY difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is sexual orientation.

Answer #30

people havebeen born transgender for as long as humanity has had borth defects and we managed just fine with out that law.just because now people can now choos e to do that to themselves doesnt mean it shoudld change

Answer #31

I still think it’s an open invitation to sexual preditors or and a lot of sexual harrassment cases plus it is an open invitation to promiscuous behavior such as has been reported commonly in Gay bars. .

Answer #32

Why is it paranoid when I talk about the dangers of single sex bathrooms, but it’s not paranoid for you to talk about the dangers of open bathrooms.

Also, pepper spray does not work on everyone.

Answer #33

This is a good law.

For everyone saying the “rapist” comments, do you honestly think a sign on a door is going to keep rapists out of the women’s room anyway?

If anything, when the rapist enters the women’s room, it is more likely there would be men to protect the person being attacked, and more people to help in general.

Answer #34

No public restroom is completely safe from creeps, no matter the assigned gender. If amblessed were REALLY concerned about safety, he would demand that a camera be at the entrance and placed within the restroom (not focused on the stalls) with 24 hour monitoring. Safety in public restrooms is NOT about the gender that is assigned at the door. If safety were as easy as a posted sign we would all have “do not enter” signs on our frontdoors and it would be respected.

Answer #35

That’s my thing though… really this law is doing the opposite.

If “”what looks like a woman”” walks into the men’s room a lot of people would be upset right? So “”She”” uses the ladies room even though under all that fabulous makeup and clothes… she is really a HE. The Point is Men already DO dress like women and use the ladies room and vice versa.

And girl… he-she wants to LOOK like you, not rape you. :)

A dark alley doesn’t give a man the right to rape someone so why would an all-gender restroom?

and I’ll state it again - I’ve been raped. And I’ll tell you, it was no stranger transvestite rapist in a bathroom. It was my adoptive father. Just goes to show you - you aren’t safe anywhere.

xox Sika

Answer #36

h* that is a kinda good but kinda bad

Answer #37

I hope you get assaulted by a lesbian.

ok… a little harsh but seriously get a grip on life.

I’ve used plenty of dressing rooms with transvestites, drag queens, drag kings… and never once was I violated.

…and you’re only as vulnerable as you make yourself. I have a weapon permit and I carry.

I’ve been raped. And I’ll tell you, it was no stranger transvestite rapist in a bathroom. It was my adoptive father. Just goes to show you - you aren’t safe anywhere.

xox Sika

Answer #38

This law doesn’t sound like a good idea for one, I’m a lady with concern and respect. I wouldn’t want to come into a bathroom or locker room and find any male, or cross gender in the same place and, my reasoning is that I would feel that my privacy would be invaded. Pluss, its very disrespectful to have these kind of people with straight women in the same bathroom or locker room Anybody that happens to go in there, could do things that wouldn’t be safe and us women are volnerable. So, no open Bathrooms, lockerrooms, ects should be allowed. It isn’t discriminating at all. People in Colorado should keep anyone that’s trans gender separate. Hope this helps a little.

Answer #39

Think of this any old perverted guy can stick on a dress and enter the ladys room. . . . How long before someone gets caught Sexually acting out in Wonderful Colorado. . . .

Answer #40

matt - your comment did not come off as a joke. I did “look” into your answer fully. In fact, I read it twice and then looked up your age. You must remember that is is very hard to convey subtle humor in written text… Even if it was meant as a joke, it was mean spirited and not funny… Homosexuals are bashed enough on this site. and actually the discussion was regarding sexual preditors not homosexuals… unless, you equate one with the other?

Answer #41

amoeba - if want to send your little girl to that restroom, fine - for me and my family, a certain location would have to freeze over first - interesting - ‘not threatening’ - this gives the right for the molester/rapist to simply put on a dress and go in there with any female - that will Never be ‘not threatening’ to me - amazing that this absolute possibility, does not concern…Take care !!

Answer #42

In what way does it encourage homosexuals to come out into the open…?

Answer #43

Not sure, but wouldn’t that further prove the point that open restrooms are an ok idea?

Answer #44

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I only use the family restrooms! EVER! This allows my husband to come in with me. I didn’t even realize they existed until I had my son and needed somewhere to nurse him when we were out. There is a seperate room for nursing, three stalls with full doors, and child sized sinks and toilets. I prefer these hands down. Also, I feel safer and never have to let the boys go unattended.

Answer #45

Has this been done anywhere else so that we might observe how it has played out? Some other country perhaps?

Answer #46

amoeba - are you implying that a transgender is NOT a potential rapist?

Answer #47

Well I guess you “Ladys” aren’t to concerned then.

Answer #48

matt18091, What exactly is wrong with encouraging homosexuals to come out into the open. Most gays feel much better about themselves once they do “come out”. Why the hell do you even care? It is none of your business.

I have not looked into this law, but I think that if it is only about allowing transgendered people to legally use the ladies rooms, or mens rooms, whatever the case might be, it should not be a real problem since they are now a member of that sex, and thus are using the propor restroom. If you are talking about crossdresser, I do see a problem. It is not fear of rapists. That is just being alarmist, and as already stated, a gender sign is not going to stop them. But what would stop a man from dressing like a women just to try and get a thrill. I think the idea of complete unisex bathrooms is fine, but alowing a man to use a ladies room simply because he thinks of himself as a women, but still has male plumbing, is a little suspect.

I see it more as a problem with voyerism rather that fear of assault. And it is not the true transexual or crossdresser I worried about. It is the heterosexual pervert using this as an opportunity to “peep” that I am worried about.

Answer #49

Wow this one is crazy. First of all I am an open minded person. I dont hate or dislike anyone for the way they live. I think I would just have to hold it till I got home though. I dont get why we change so many things is this country to prevent making people with transgender identity or whatever you want to call it comfortable. Im not sure about others kids but mine personally would freak out if the walked into a bathroom and seen a man in a dress standing at the sink. Could you imagine the questions. There comes a time when you need to explain all these situations to a child but Id appreciate it if I could do that in my own time and way. Why does everyone want to shove this in our face. If it makes a many feel pretty to dress like a girl so be it. Do whatever makes you happy. To pass laws that please a small part of the population when things were fine the way they are is rediculous. Men no matter what they are or how they dress should use a mans restroom and same goes for women. I agree that sometimes it stinks having to wait but I would rather wait than storm into a mans bathroom and make others feel uncomfortable.

Answer #50

This law doesn’t sound like a good idea for one, I’m a lady with concern and respect. I wouldn’t want to come into a bathroom or locker room and find any male, or cross gender in the same place and, my reasoning is that I would feel that my privacy would be invaded. Pluss, its very disrespectful to have these kind of people with straight women in the same bathroom or locker room Anybody that happens to go in there, could do things that wouldn’t be safe and us women are volnerable. So, no open Bathrooms, lockerrooms, ects should be allowed. It isn’t discriminating at all. People in Colorado should keep anyone that’s trans gender separate. Hope this helps a little.

Why would your privacy be invaded simply because the person in the same washroom is male? Are you that unable to identify with other humans simply because they have different chromosomes? Why wouldn’t your privacy be invaded if a woman was in there?

Do you feel all women are part of some little “no boys allowed because they’re all dirty and perverted” club?

Answer #51

Well, of course my boys came into the Ladies’ toilets with me when they were little. When they got older (about 8) they didn’t want to go into the Ladies’ and I didn’t think that other women would want them in there, either. So I sent them, usually together, into the Gents’ toilets. I found that quite nerve-wracking, leaving them alone in there with who knows who? However, they have to learn to cope with that.

A potential paedophile (who obviously could be anyone of any gender/background) could have been in there and would be a threat to boys as to girls. Our boys are not 100% safe in a male toilet. As has already been said, a potential rapist would not be worried about the label on the door if he intended to go into a female toilet. So, although I find this idea a bit trendy-lefty, I don’t find it threatening.

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