Is this a future crime in the U.S.?

When Saudi authorities discovered a man working in Mecca was a Christian – thanks to a new fingerprinting system – they immediately arrested him, highlighting the desert kingdom’s law barring non-Muslims from the Islamic holy city - Do you think ‘being a Christian’ will be a crime in the USA in the future ?

Answer #1

There are multitudes of non believers now in the US, and from all indications… we have a very rough future ahead of us. Every effort is being made to tear down the age old values and traditions… Christianity is being mocked and made fun of… everywhere you turn… all the stops are being pulled out, to destroy every vestige of the fath, Christians are asleep… while it is happening.. right under their noses… no body is resisting… we are just letting it happen… our nation, that we love, is gradually eroding, it is not what it was 10 years ago, and I shudder to think what another 10 years will add to it… If Christ lingers… It could truely become a crime to be a Christian.. in the USA… if the trend continues… the godless professors are cranking out multitudes. that have been stripped of the faith they had when they went in, and multitudes are professing no faith at all… athiest, and agnostices are growing by leaps and bounds, secular huminism… is taking over… replacing the faith of our fathers,… Man is in charge…Without a major move of God, America will soon not be thought of as a Christian nation…

Answer #2

That ‘Religion of Peace’.

Answer #3

No such luck really. The “rapture” that the Christians reference as a sign of the end of the world also says that Christians will be persecuted in the streets. Now, if you ask a Christian what this means then you here an Us vs. the Bullies sort of tale. But as you have seen in the current state of politics…. people have “persecuted” the Christians for over-involvement in affairs of state, support of a pointless war with the wrong people (remember that even Bush admitted that 911 and Iraq had nothing to do with each other), and for involvement in a civil war between Israel and Palestine. The problem with religion and politics combining is that the battles that are not fought become just as big as the ones not.

Christians, Americans, or anyone in the world have no immaculate right to trod wherever they dang well please. The world is not all a tourist’s paradise, nor is human rights protected in every country. This is what separates America from most of the world. We just have to be careful not to become the enemy by persecuting other religions, races, and creeds as a matter of national policy.

No matter how you look at it, America is a “Christian” country. There are many religions here but the amount of any one pales in sheer numbers to the Christians. In the Middle East though, Islam is the big one and therefore their rules. The Christians should feel ashamed for one of their own breaking the laws of a sovereign country.

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