Is Pregnancy Possible?

I have just come back from a really great holiday. During that holiday I met a guy and we got quite friendly. Throughout the next few days we got very close and started going beyond kissing and hugging. At one point we were messing around and I’m worried that his penis may have touched my vagina. We did not have sex but I am worried that sperm still could have made its way up. I’m also worried that he may have had ejaculation on his fingers when fingering me.

I’m 15 and havn’t had sex before. I’m absolutely terrified that I could possibly be pregnant. I know it may just be my head playing tricks on my but I keep on getting stomach cramps, cravings, dizziness and nauseous. This happened on Saturday/Sunday. I couldn’t be receiving symptoms this quickly could I? My next period isn’t due till around the 27th August however I often miss a period due to weight loss and exercise. Should I take a pregnancy test and if so when should I do it? I’ve seen one that can be taken four days before the next period is due. Can this be right?

I’m absolutely terrified and I feel so stupid. I feel irresponsible and disgusting. This boy was 18 and I feel he could have been more responsible too. I hope I am worrying over something minor. I just can’t seem to relax about it though. Please help..Thanks.

Answer #1

In my opinion, it sounds like you are making yourself sick. You should have nothing to worry about, but if you still feel the need to worry then take a test. Best of luck.

Answer #2

your over reacting but you should get a preg test just in case

Answer #3

Its probably psychosomatic.

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