Do you beleive in internet addiction?

do you beleive in internet addiction?

Answer #1


Answer #2

not entirely, I think its a symptom of a bigger problem (a person who shops obesessively online could just have an obsessive shopping problem… or a person who gambles online is addicted to gambling, whether online or irl)

Answer #3

I do in a way, but at the same time I don’t. Like there are a lot of people, like me, who spend a lot of time on the internet. I wouldn’t really consider it an addiction though because I can easily get off the computer if I want. If there is something better to do I have no problem getting off the internet and doing something else. I think people who are actually addicted to the internet are more addicted to things like gambling on the internet, not the internet itself. I’d much rather be “addicted” to the internet though(non-gambling), rather then drugs, alcohol, etc.

Answer #4

I have it!!!

Answer #5

yea I think I gots that lol, like when im not on, im bored because there’s almost nothin on tv… haha

Answer #6

yes. you can be addicted to many things…internet is one of them.

Answer #7

I’ve heard of internet porn addition and internet gambling!

Answer #8

if there is such a thing… I have it

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