What do you think is the most interesting branch of science?

Answer #1

biology, they always find something new, there are so many life forms that we dont even know of still!

Answer #2

I agree!

Answer #3

i love the periodic table if u do try out periodictable.com or

Answer #4

Earth science..I am fascinated with how a simple rock on the outside, when cut down the center, turns out to be the most beautiful and most exquisite crystal/marble or simply a precious stone on the inside!

It teaches you to never judge a book by it’s cover…or in this case how to appreciate a simple rock for you never know what may turn up on the inside nor how precious or valuable it may be.

Answer #5


Answer #6

neuroscience, anatomy and developmental biology. Sorry, couldnt decide between the three - they are what I have been studying for the past five years.

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