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Friends in Bangalore, when I visited, said the industry is growing…but, that it wasn’t nearly as developed as elsewhere in the world largely due to the predilection of Indians to consume whatever gets them drunk the fastest, rather than drinking for the enjoyment of it, as some say they do when consuming wine.
What happends to your stoamach when you eat a lot of fast food - 1 Answers
What happends to your stoamach when you eat a lot of fast food and greasy foods?
Sneeze on first sip of wine? - 1 Answers
Everytime I take my first sip of red wine I ALWAYS sneeze! Why?
Fast Food Diners? Where Do You Go? - 3 Answers
Where do you go for fast food dining...Who has the best hamberurger OUT THERE?
French Vovray wine, how to find other white, sweet wines? - 2 Answers
So, I've been trying to find wine I enjoy drinking with dinner, and my friend James recently had me try out a wine from Franc...
Can red wine cause skin to peel? - 3 Answers
Can red wine cause skin to peel? I heard that there may be something in red wine that causes peeling skin. Is this true? If I...
What do you think of Taco Bell in a bowl? - 3 Answers
I dont like it, when i think in taco bell i always think in a tortilla thats what i like i dont like it in a bowl i stay with...
is wine considerd alcohol - 8 Answers
is wine considerd alcohol or just beer etc.
What: Do you think of Nilla Wafers? - 1 Answers
Nilla Wafer thingys? Love em,Hate em? =DDD <-- Super smily phace.
Is cooking wine the same as regular wine? - 5 Answers
is cooking wine the smae a s regular wine? like if you drink it will it get you drunk of buzzed?
Why Mac Donalds or other fast food restaurant dont make grilled nuggets? - 2 Answers
I dont believe anybody havent thought about this already why Mac Donald doesnt make grilled chicken macnuggets or Wendy or bu...
Orthodox Kosher Supervision I...
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