How many people have you slept with and how old are you?

How many people have you slept with and how old are you?

Answer #1

I have never slept with anyone, nor had a relationship with anyone except Jesus. I have made a commitment to stay pure until marraige and to save my first kiss until my wedding day. I refuse to date, I will court when I am older, my life is only for Jesus. I am 14.

Answer #2

Im 28 and have technically had intercourse with 7 people altho 3 were rapes. so I’ve only willingly had sex with 4 and I was engaged to all 4. (at different times, lol not all at once.)

Answer #3

I’m 22. my magic number is 7

Answer #4

I’m 18, and only one. But that b*tch broke my heart so it might be a while.

Answer #5

14 -4

Answer #6

I am alomst 21 and I have slept with 4, were with all of them for a while

Answer #7

I am a Vergin … and I am 15 years old but will be 16 later this year

Answer #8

slept with 1 and I’m 15

Answer #9

I’m 35 and I’ve slept with 5 guys.

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