Confused about religion

I’ve been pentacostle for like evr but I never realy felt 100% about it I nevr realy clicked with it you no. im starting to get realy interested in wicca and well in a way it feels right. but just so cunfused about evry thing right now. what do you think?

Answer #1

Read up, do your research, into both religions… find out what works best for you…

I wanted to get this in before the god squad start on you telling you you’re going to go to hell. Ignore them…

Answer #2

In my opinion, I think you should go with whatever religion you feel is right. I think in religion, there is really no right or wrong. If it feels right go with it.

Answer #3

Don’t trust your feelings, as they will lead you astray. Scripture tells of many people who thought that sources of power other than that of God Almighty have proven to be quite disasterous. Read your bible and talk to your pastor about it. They are there to help you in matters like these. Practicing spells and other religions may seem harmless but don’t be fooled. Satan will try to lure you with a false sense of peace and joy about wicca and people will say there is nothing wrong with it but let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

Answer #4

IN our very enlightened age, every religion in the world is drawing on the young people, esp. Wicca. The Harry Potter series has done much to bring multitudes of young hopefuls into this teaching.

HAHAHA, that crap has nothing to do with Wicca & is no where near real WitchCraft

As an ex-Christian I know how it is, I’ve been through a lot of confusion, criticism, etc. I felt there was something more than just good or bad, & all that other biblical stuff. I did my research, in bout the 6th(though I’ve studied many religions & myths since the 1st grade, literally) grade I finally got my grubby hands on my first witch book. I soaked up the information like a dried sponge, it felt right, it related to me, & science has yet to hinder it. I became a witch rather than a Wiccan(don’t confuse the two, they are 2 different things) since I really don’t share the basic beliefs of a Wiccan & prefer to practice a broader range of magick.

I agree with some people up there ^, Wiccan & magick isn’t always the answer. It’s not for everybody. & you have to be weary of those dabblers, they cause the most mischief & give the occult a bad name. If you choose to become a Wiccan then do your research, don’t try any magick until you have a good basis, if you don’t know what you’re doing you might get yourself into trouble, it’s not a toy. It takes a year & a day of training to actually become a Wiccan by the way.

Like I said, be weary of the dabbler & carful with the ex-wiccan & witch claims, I found quite a few to actually be dabbler & many more to be false. Over 51 people who went public with their claims of being an ex witch were found fake. So be carful, specially of the ones who claims to be the head preist/preistess of a coven. As I siad, usually they’re dabbler those who drop out so they never would of made it that far 1, 2 those are the ones who have been most commonly found false. Not saying all the ones who claim to be ex-christain are true either, but I know many more ex christain(personally might I add) to be true than ex wicca & witch.

If you need any help or more information feel free to comment me or funmail me. I can truly say I’ve been there & done that as an ex christain & ex head witch of a coven.

Answer #5

I think you’re right to question Pentecostalism, but not right to think Wicca has the answers. The answers are not prepackaged and presented by men in robes (or women in a circle).

The answers are wait for it…

…nonexistent! tada!

Learn to accept that you simply can not know everything, and that there are no ready answers for a lot of the big troubling questions. …and stop being scammed by those who claim otherwise but present nothing of substance to back up their claims.

Answer #6

IN our very enlightened age, every religion in the world is drawing on the young people, esp. Wicca. The Harry Potter series has done much to bring multitudes of young hopefuls into this teaching.

The bible calls it witchcraft. And says that it is wrong.

However, every person will have to make the decision for themselves.

I suggest you talk to some ex-wiccans and see what they have to say.

rnealw is one…

Answer #7

I can tell you for a fact as an Ex wiccan that Wicca is not the answer. I suggest you pray and pray hard.

Answer #8

…talk to some ex-christians too.

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