How to lose 10 pounds in a week?

how can I lose 10 pounds in a week?

Answer #1

have 90 cal a day and do loads of running and working out drink loads of water heeps and thats why I look the way I do !!!

Answer #2

eat less and work out and drink water to burn off claories lol thats what I did and its been a 1month and I lost a total of 20 pounds good luck and be patient

Answer #3

Someone eventually will tell you to not eat, dont listen to em, all that will do is make your body eat away at muscle you have and stockpile the little nutrients it gathers, making you look bloated.

Answer #4

“How can I Lose 1 pound of body weight per week?”

  One pound of body fat is equal to about 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of weight per week, you need to eat 500 calories/day LESS than you burn.

But it’s not a good idea to lose weight simply by cutting calories. As well as decreasing calories you should increase your daily physical exercise. This helps to burn calories and build more lean tissue which in turn burns more calories.

Answer #5

To lose 10 pounds in a week: it’s not that easy to just cut calories. If it was, the average size would be an 8 rather than 12. First, you must set up a diet schedule; this is where you begin to eat healthier (without cutting down on calories). Next, you should be prepared to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Just 30 minutes! This could mean walking, cardio, jogging, weights, and biking to name a few. I could not say this enough: Breakfast is key! The normal eating schedule should be six meals per day; breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, dinner, and one final snack (this final snack should be eaten before 8:30). Again, when your trying to lose weight, you must consider time! Breakfast should be eaten as early as possible while the final snack of the day (or dinner if you do not eat snacks) should be eaten before 8-8:30! This is most important because the food you have ate throughout the day needs to digest before you lay down or go to sleep, otherwise the fat from the foods will be stored in your body and add weight! As for exercising, cardio is best in the morning (because it awakens your body and mind) and yoga/meditation at night before bed. It is not helpful to do cardio at night because, just like coffee or pop, it keeps you awake and you will be unable to sleep. Also, sleep is a factor when trying to lose weight! Eight hours or more is best!

Answer #6

stop eating and work out a ton. it is in no way shape or form healthy.. but it works.

Answer #7

You can’t; you have to be patient and exercise a lot to get rid of stubborn fat.

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