How do you care for a baby robin?

how do you take care of a baby robin? my g-pa found it this morning and we need help caring for it we are feeding it worms and some luke warm water. please help me help the baby bird

Answer #1

i wouldnt feed it anything. i would take it to one of those animal shelters or call the vet or something like that

Answer #2

I wouldnt feed it anything other than worms if you resist taking it to a shelter or calling the shelter for tips. remember that it mother would only feed it chewed and spit out (thrown up) worms so .. yeah.

Answer #3

You could call your local vet. They would be able to give you numbers of some animal rehabilitaters who could either take the baby or give you some tips and advice about how to care for it.

Answer #4

ello peeps. I found a robin egg a couple eggs ago. I put it on a heatin pad and rotated them every hour. now its hatching this very moment as I type. I will comment when it hatches all the way!!! o and btw it was a robin egg

Answer #5

My dog found an orphaned robin chick 9 days ago. I’ve been keeping it in a basket lined with paper towels (folded and fanned around so they are easy to replace as they become soiled) I have been feeding it a mixture of mashed hard boiled egg yolk and mashed canned catfood, mixed with enough water so it can be sucked up in a syringe and dropped a little at a time in the chicks mouth. I also purchased meal worms at a wild bird food store. They came 500 in a container for around $10. I alternate the mixture and the worms. I carefully drop worms in the birds mouth with a tweezer. I also feed it any dead flies I find. The bird is thriving and is now fully feathered with the tail feathers just starting to form. It started speading its wings yesterday and stands up while doing that. I believe it will be ready to release in a day or two. But first I believe it will need to be able to feed itself. Tomorrow I plan to set some dead insects and a few worms in the basket to see if it will pick them up and eat. After that, it should be ready for a maiden flight!! This has been a challenging far.. a rewarding experience. I just hope the human contact will not prove detremental to the bird.

Answer #6

We are taking care of one that my cat caught :( …we got her away in time and she has survived now for almost 24 hours. At first the mom was still coming and feeding her but one of her legs looks broken and now the mom isn’t coming. She’s a real feisty little thing, so I’m hoping that she will be ok once her tail feathers come in and she can balance better. We have been feeding her worms on the end of a chop stick and bits of strawberries (which she loves) from the garden. We’re wondering if there’s enough moisture in that or do we need to syringe some water to her as well?

Answer #7

A waring it is against the law to keep wild birds in captivity without proper state and federal permits. Call your nearest game warden or conservation officer for advice before caring for wildlife. Licensed wildlife rehabilitation contact your state fish and game agency or write the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, 4437 Central Place, Suite D-4 Suisun,CA 94585

 I don't want you going to JAIL triing to help a baby bird. odds are it will die in your unproffessional care.
Answer #8

he just hatched and I named him captain. I read all of your guys advice and it hepled me a lot!

Answer #9

Combine some bananna and cooked egg yolk with a fork and add a bit of water so that it will function in an eye dropper. This has worked with all the robins I have raised. Good luck!

Answer #10

Hello I’ve resently found a baby robin to. It was in the middle of the street and it opened its mouth as if it wanted food, so took him to my place and looked up how to take care of them and a lot of people take dog food and let it moisten in warm water then feed the bird.It worked well with my robin. I also bought dead meal worms at my local pet store and soaked those as well. HE LOVED IT!! And don’t forget to clean his nest or whatever your holding it in. I have mine in a shoe box filled with blankets. Thats what I’m doing. Good Luck!!

Answer #11

Smellie, I think if you returned the nest close to where it was originally and just leave it alone, the parents will return and continue to care for them. It’s best to let nature take its course, and if the nest “fails”, the robins don’t care. They will quickly make another one and try again.

Answer #12

Since this is an older question, the bird’s fate may already have been decided. But for future reference, birds are federally protected and it is actually illegal for an unlicensed person to care for a wild bird (as silly as that sounds) unless it is a House Sparrow, European Starling, or Rock Dove (a city pigeon). The best thing to do for the animal is to take it to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

Answer #13

There’s a Robin’s nest on a rafter at the end of the garage, that I’ve been watching for a couple of weeks. Today I found it upside down on the ground with two baby Robins inside. I had my garden gloves on, so I turned it over and put them both back inside. They seemed all right, both opened their beaks at me. I put the nest back on the rafter, but it is too narrow, so I added a piece of a board under the nest and lashed it to the rafter. One of the adult Robins is sitting on the fence, but it hasn’t gone back to the nest yet. How long should I wait, before I take them in? Should I try to feed and water them in their nest?

Answer #14

I am in the process and mine is doing well. I have fed it Canned kitten food and worms. He will be ready to relese soon.Good luck.

Answer #15

It is only illegal if you plan to keep the bird once it is grown. Besides, what are the chances that anyone who would actually know and care about this law would find out you had a baby bird and do something about it? As long as you don’t go broadcasting it all over the place, I doubt you’ll get “caught”.

As far as caring for a baby bird, especially a Robin, it all depends on how old it is. If it has all its feathers and is walking around pretty good, you might want to leave it alone. If it is barely feathered or is all pink with no feathers, and you can’t get it back into the nest, you need to bring it in your house. Find a box or a small dog/cat carrier. Line it with paper towels or kleenex. Find a bowl that is a few inches wide, and shallow. Line it with kleenex in a circular motion simulating a nest. When you are not feeding the bird, keep the box or carrier somewhere fairly dark and warm without much noise. I have a baby Robin that was almost featherless when I found it 7 days ago. At first I needed to feed it every two hours. Now it is eating less food and less often, and it has all of its feathers. What you should feed it is moistened bread, dog food, and/or cat food. If you do the bread, just have a small bowl of water and tear a small strip of bread off and dip slightly into the water. You don’t want it dripping of water, but just barely moist. If the bird is hungry it will be carrying on with its mouth open. Hold the piece of bread between your thumb and first finger and gently drop it down into their beak. They might clamp on to your finger a little, but it doesn’t hurt. They are used to the beak of their parent being in their beak as they take the food. If you are using the dog or cat food, use a kind that has as small of pieces as you can find. Put about six to eight pieces in a bowl with a small amount of water. Microwave for 6 seconds to help speed up the moisturization. Let cool for a couple minutes. Feed the same way as the bread. This will be a little messier though. Make sure that each piece you put in the bird’s beak/mouth is moist enough. I have been alternating between bread and cat food each day. After 7 days the bird is a little more picky about eating too. Mine is throwing the food out of its beak if I don’t get it in good enough. It is sleeping mostly through the night now too. One website I checked out said that a baby robin will fly in 14-16 days from birth. This website also has information about foods to feed, and about other birds.

As for finding a wildlife rehabilitator to take a baby bird or any baby or hurt animal to, it’s not as easy as you think. The nearest ones to me are an hour away, and they all have several baby/injured animal they are taking care of. You also have to remember that people who are rehabilitators do not get paid. What they get to care for animals comes out of their own pocket. Most of them also have other responsibilities, such as a job, kids, etc. With all the info online it seems silly to not be able to find info yourself as to how to care for an orphaned or hurt animal. Good luck in the future.

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