Injured baby robin on ground

I have found an almost mature baby robin and two younger baby robins - one with red, featherless places - and wonder how I can help the parents protect the babies?

Answer #1

O M G E E! I feel bad for the little robin, but what you should do is find a vet that helps wild animals or take it to animal control or watever cus one summer day there was a raccoon in one of ma bushes and it was hurt or sick or something so we called animal control

Answer #2

This is a difficult one seeing as if you touch or disturb the birds or nest in anyway, the parents will abandon them. There’s not much you can do other than call animal protection to come take the birds away and hand-raise them; otherwise there’s the risk that someone else will disturb the nest, an animal will get the birds, or the parents will be too scared to go to the floor to see to the birds. Good luck

Answer #3

That is not neccacerly true. Only a few birds have the ability to smell the human sent in this case if the bird is injured in any way please take the bird and call a Wildlife care center in your area. If thats not possible a choice is to take care of the bird yourself. Feed it soaked dog or cat food or worms depending on the species (in this case its a red robin so feed it crushed worms from outside). Please avoid this choice as it is extremly difficult to care for them. Almost feeding them every 15 to 20 min.

                          Thank You
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