I feel like the ugliest person in the entire school! I just started high school and I’m already dreading the rest of the year. There are there 2 gorgeous girls in my art class and the boys swoon over them, but completely ignore me. It’s not even my face thats really the problem. It’s my body, I’m not overweight at all, but my back and shoulders are broad. Are there any excersises to make those areas smaller. Boys never pay attention to me and I feel like a nobody. I’m so self conscious, I hide myself so nobody sees my back view. I wish to death I could be pretty and have guys like me. What can I do. Pleas help me! Thanks. I can’t spend the entire year feeling like shit. Also are there any excersises to get rid of love handles that have actually worked for you!

Answer #1

Cardio and better diet will help the love handles. Aerobics or isometric exercises will help you tone your midsection. The self-esteem part is a little tricky, but the answer to “shoulder shrinking” question would be yes and no. You can lose muscle and keep tone or burn fat in that area by a complete change in diet following a strict plan and plenty of insanely long runs or treadmill/elliptical exercises. The “no” in this case would be: No, you can’t shrink the bone structure.

Quick weight loss methods are usually very unhealthy and spiral into a yoyo-like pattern of loss and gain.

I am sure that you are a far cry from Quasimoto and a closer match to a young Angelina Jolie. I think that attitude really affects the “looks” of an individual, as well. If you can make it to college then you might see that tons of men not only find you attractive, but would love to get the courage to speak to you. Never live up to the expectations of others, set goals for yourself that make you happy.

Answer #2

you have 2 show some interest 2 sum tyms 2 you know have you ever thought that they might know them thats why they go straight past you. why not make friend with those girls and mabe you will get 2 meet thy guyz. try it…it cant hurt

Answer #3

Hey, atleast you don’t have an ugly face, people seldom pay attention to what your body is like, unless your obese, if your still paranoid, then i suggest you could do something to either your head or your body(clothes) to draw the attention away, and while you do that, you could work on a fix to adjust it to your needs. Your lucky, unlike me, you don’t have a retarded face like me, and thatsthe centre of theattention. It might be all in you mind, have that called you ugly or anything?

Answer #4

No you can’t make your shoulders less borad. Some women are born with smaller builds and will look thinner because of it. Some women could be 125 lbs at 5 foot 8 and still not runway material because we have naturally broad shoulders and don’t have that same look. Don’t worry about being broader, guys WILL like you, i assure you. Just pay attention to the htings you can do. Exercise, eat right, for the love of god be clean and things will work out. School just started, you have time. Also don’t worry about the gorgeous girls, they’re self concious too even if they don’t show it.

Answer #5

I have broad shoulders. I have always been self conscious about them. I finally just had to accept that I could never change them. I also sort of had love handles. I could tell you some sure fire way of getting rid of them, but there isn’t one. You can’t spot reduce. Joggin, strength training. and yoga are great way to reduce fat. Strenght training builds muscle which eats away more calorie than fat. Which in turn will make you leaner. Hope this helps.

Answer #6

yoga will fix your posture and relax your shoulders. Don’t hide it girl, embrace it, you don’t have to be mousy and tiny to be sexy. a strong amazon woman is hotter than hell! check out these shoulders http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/9101/ampliadarosachapv05012yf.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1165/1407178183_b403c6e93d_o.jpg http://static.flickr.com/80/240936077_fc1d97024e.jpg broad shoulders make your waste look smaller. they make you look taller which makes you look more lean. they’ll draw the eye to your collar bones, which are also very sexy. But whats sexier than it all– is attitude. walk proud, like you’re a strong beautiful woman, speak like one and DON’T BE AFRAID OF PEOPLE. We aren’t as harsh as you think. and highschool isn’t the world, true men, love who you are. just make that person worth loving and the rest falls through.

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