Why does my hymen hurt?

Im not a virgin, and i didnt just start recently having sex. Im on my period if that matters, and no i didnt have sex and then it started to hurt. well i first discovered the pain when i used the bathroom and i wiped myself and it felt really sore and sensitive, and it still does, this was about 3 days ago. I believe it is my hymen because i checked myself out with a mirror and touched until i found the sore spot, which like i said was the hymen. But my question is, why does it hurt? Do i have a UTI? i change my pad atlest 3 times a day so it was always clean. please help ):

thank you in advance.

Answer #1

You could have a va.gin.al infection. I suggest scheduling an appointment to see your doctor about this, he will be able to diagnose it better than any of us.

Answer #2

Symptoms of a va.gin.al infection include:

* unusual va.gi.nal discharge (may be unusual in colour and smell unpleasant)
* irritation and soreness of the vulva (the skin around the outside of the va.gin.a) va.gin.al itching
* pain during sex
* bleeding after sex
* abdominal pains
* redness, swelling, lumps, blisters, or ulceration of the vulva or anus pain when passing urine

At you doctor’s….

  • You may be asked to provide a sample of urine.

  • A doctor or nurse may look inside your va.gin.a, using a speculum (which is also used for smear tests) and take a swab (similar to a small round cotton bud). The swab picks up a sample of cells from the va.gin.a.

Answer #3

If you’ve been having sex, what makes you think you even have a hymen anymore (considering you can’t even actually see the hymen to begin with)? If discharge, itching, or burning accompanies the pain, see a doctor.

Answer #4

Yea, if you are having sexual intercourse, you don’t have a hymen.

Answer #5

could have a yest infection!! but set an appointment it takes less than three mins for them to get the sample and one day or less for the results!!

Answer #6

well excuse me, i meant where it use to be -.- the vulva i should say.

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