Why am I hungry but I don't feel like eating?

Answer #1

That’s how I feel right now

Answer #2

some times people confuse hunger with boredom, maybe you are just bored. that or maybe you have a stomach virus

Answer #3

Isn’t that a contradiction? Usually when someone is hungry, they DO feel like eating. So maybe you’re not actually hungry. Are you depressed? When you’re depressed, it’s common to not have an appetite. Or maybe you’re actually just thirsty? I mean, if you really don’t feel like eating, then don’t eat. Just do something else for a while. Or eat something small, like fruit.

Answer #4

Boredom. .

Answer #5

i drank a 500ml water bottle already.

Answer #6

you stole my answer! lmao xD

Answer #7

its just a sickness syphtom that means you might have pnimonia

Answer #8

its just a sickness syphtom that means you might have pnimonia

Answer #9

no. we just think alike. ツ

Answer #10

This happens to me when I’m stressed or sad/upset or angry.. I’ll be hungry at the usual times but just won’t eat. It’s okay to feel like this, just make sure you don’t go too long without eating though. Make sure to drink water still though to keep yourself hydrated. If it’s been more than a day and a half, just force yourself to have something. Even just an apple or some toast… It’s not good to go tooooo long without eating :P Hopefully having something small will jumpstart your appetite.

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