Do you think humans would exist if dinosaurs didn't go extinct?

Answer #1

probably…. but we wouldn’t be like the dominant race (like we are now) so we’d probably still be cavemen or something like that :P

Answer #2

i believe if dinosaurs didnt die off humans would had evolved differently and become like giants like dinosaurs were giants

Answer #3

Ehh I doubt it.. how would we have gotten that big? :P

Answer #4

Yes, we survied with saber tooth cats and such. We breed so much it’s hard for us to just disappear.

Answer #5

same way the dinosaurs came to be

Answer #6

Nope, unless Adam and Ever were fully armed with a nuke in their hands LOL

Answer #7

Nope, unless Adam and Eve were fully armed with a nuke in their hands LOL

Answer #8

lol yea adam and eve wouldnt know what to do with the dinosaurs XD

Answer #9

For sure. Didn’t you ever watch the flintstones?

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