How should I spec my Shaman?

I want to spec into pve dps, but I don’t know if I should go Elemental or Enhancement. Elemental is obviously a good dps for pve, but Enhancement seems more my style so I was just wondering if Enh Shamys can deal out good dps as well…thanks for the input.

Answer #1

I must admit that I don’t have a sharman myself, but I think you should do whatever you feel is more you. Like me I lvled my hunter as survival all the way through even though people told me it was stupid and would be much faster as a Beast Master, but that wouldn’t have been me. All 3 specs are made somewhat eaquel, blizzard didn’t intend for one out of the 3 to be much better than the others. But you can always try and look it up somewhere. I know this site for hunters ( that really helped me make a few changes for the better. There’s got to be a similiar site for shamans…

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