How.../my friend is so wrong isn't she??

My friend does not think what she did was wrong but ino she wasn’t rite (this was a few years ago but were debating it rite now)anyway let me tell you what she did she went out with a guy just to get her first kiss and then dumped him infront of everyone and embarresed him now tell me that’s not wrong

Answer #1

That actually is very wrong, she basically used the guy. Also the guy could’ve liked her and the fact that she did that will permanently give him a wrong view about girls.

She needs to see that she played with this guys emotions, you can’t just use people like she did. Its wrong and hurtful in so many ways. I don’t see a reason for her to be debating if what she did was wrong, it basically is. If this guy happened to like her and she kissed and then broke up with him, she basically took his feelings and stomped all over them in a matter of seconds.

If she can’t see that then she needs to grow up and realize that what she did was wrong and it’s not nice its just plain mean. I personally wouldn’t want to be near a girl that just uses men.

Answer #2

Yeah that’s wrong. That’s totally horrible. If someone ever did that to me I would punch them in the face. That sounds like a freaking hoe.

Answer #3

Told her she was wrong thanks for givin your opinon

Answer #4

Yeah I think that’s kinda mean that she just dated a guy and used him for a kiss and then embarrassing him like that. She is wrong

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