"friend" blamindg me 4 her wrong doings

I have this friend and she took this other girls man…whom I know, and things just got out of control from there…now she’s blaming me because the other girl fond out about them, is she really a friend or not?? Because I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to be in gossip stories…she says it’s my fault the girl fond out. And I cant even remember the last time I spoke to the girl..

Answer #1

why is she blaming you? tell her its nothng to do with you and she’s the one in the wrong seeing as she went behind that girls back and stole her boyfriend! plus the truth always comes out anyway, no matter how

Answer #2

No she is not a friend if she is blaming you for something that she did wrong. Stand up for yourself and tell her not to put you in that situation just because she messed up. It’s her fault. Don’t be friends with someone who tries to bring you down to make themselves look better, you deserve better friends.

Answer #3

she’s not worth being friends with,…

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