How many people play the california lottery-mega millions?

How many people play the california lottery-mega millions?

Answer #1

I’m not sure but here’s some contact numbers for the California Lottery:

Calling from California, Nevada, Oregon or Arizona, please call - 800-LOTTERY (800-568-8379) or TDD: 800-345-4275

From all other locations, please call - 916-323-7095

Good Luck and God Bless !!

Answer #2

From their faq:

You can play Mega Millions in in 41 states plus the District of Columbia and the U. S. Virgin Islands; a total of 43 jurisdictions.

So a few million tickets are sold for each drawing….then you’d have to figure out how many tickets, per person, each person bought…I’d say a million people, each time, give or take a few.

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