How does being a teenage parent effect their life?

I know it may be a dumb question to ask but I’m looking for serious answers.

How does having a baby while your a teenager effect your life? For both the guy and girl…

Answer #1

Just letting you know that I was 17 when I had my daughter and it is very hard. I did not finish school and now im paying for that. Im 21 now still going to school. Im not with her father anymore because I was to young to realize that I really didnt love him and thats not fair for my daughter. You will not have a life anymore.. You will need to grow up asap and you will not be able to do whatever you want when you want too…I missed out on prom all my friends parties I missed out on hanging out like what teenage people do I had to grow up in 9 months and prepare myself for something I had no idea what I was in for but now I wouldnt change a darn thing I love being a mom just wish I waited a lil longer to become a mom…

Answer #2


Answer #3

I was 14 when I had my daughter. It was very hard on my life. I went to school no matter what except when I gave birth and a couple week after. Some of my friends stopped talking to me and some of my family on my dads side stopped talking to me. The father and I are still together but it was really hard for us. We are all doing fine now.

Answer #4

I was 14 when I had my daughter. It was very hard on my life. I went to school no matter what except when I gave birth and a couple week after. Some of my friends stopped talking to me and some of my family on my dads side stopped talking to me. The father and I are still together but it was really hard for us. We are all doing fine now.

Answer #5

I’m 29 and have 4 children. I had evryone of them before I was 21. I could never express the effect that having all my children did to my life. I can tell you that I missed out on so much. I never had those important teenage years I had act as though I were an adult for the sake of my children. My oldest son just turned 18 and in my quest of keeping him from making the mistakes I did he now is, as he calles it, “making up for lost time.” No, I am not one of those girls who were just sleeping with anyone all 4 of my children have the same father and I was married to him when I was sixteen he was 28. I made that mistake with out the approval of my parents. I now wish I listened to them. I had to struggle to graduate high school with 3 out of the 4 children and work full time to support them. I also had to take on the burden of a morgage at the age of 16 and paying real household bills. I did have the support of my family. They watched the kids while I went to school and I took the kids to work with me. Since the day I had my first son I have never had a quit night of sleep or a day off, which I don’t regret. My life turned from a relaxed preteen to a worried mother. The things you once enjoyed becomes a fear of what could happen if you do them. The things that you do when your a teenager effects the rest of your life. Like I said, I am now 29, working full time in a nursing home, go to school 4 days a week (I almost have my associates in pre-med), and take care of my 4 children everyday. So to answer your question being a teenage parent effects the life of a teenager on every level of life physical, emotional, and mental. The goal of being a teenage parent is not working around it but working with it. Sure, I would be alot further along in my schooling if I hadn’t became a parent so young but I wouldn’t change it for the world. My children ages now 18, 12, 11, and 8 are the reasons I have succeeded in many areas of my life. Who knows were I would have ended up without them. Hope this helps. Remember, there are people who approve and disapprove of teenage pregnancy. If more people focused on preparing the teenage parents for active members in society then we would have less failed teenage parents. More likely then not though if they fail being a teenage parent they were bound to fail as a parent at any age. Parenting skills begin at an early age, while we are growing up and watching our parents be parents. If our parents aren’t involved, interacting, or loving then we are bound to be the same way to our children. It goes with we are a product of our environment. The only effect caused by being a teenage parent is the choices you make while being a teenage parent.

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