How do the casualties spike their hair?

How do the casualties spike their hair?

Answer #1

Easy it’s called lots of hair glue and patience, and to not touch your hair.My sister used to have a big massive mohawk.You have to grow your hair mad long,and shave the back and the sides,which I used to do for her. You have to get like a mullet w/o the bangs kind of hair cut before you shave the back and the sides. Then you start the spiking up process w/ the hair glue and Elmer’s glue works wonders as well,just remember don’t constently touch it,and rain,water,people touching your hair,and you touching it a lot,sweat in general will make your mohawk go flat. I noticed you are a skater,if I was you,I wouldn’t do the whole mohawk routine,because it won’t last that long,plus all that crap in your hair is actually bad for your skin,mostly when you start working up a sweat or get wet in general.It takes longer to actually set it there,and you also have to blow dry your hair so the glue dries faster,and you have to keep it up there.The best mohawks are people who have really course and super thick hair.The harder the hair is,the more better it will stay.I know my sis and a lot of people I used to know who didn’t have the time anymore to do it,and just pain really because never stays up there,.don’t rock the mohawk anymore. If you’re doing it for a chick aka getting the mohawk,just so she’ll touch your hair,you’ll start to get attached to your new mohawk and you won’t let her do that much longer anyways. I know my sister’s fiance mad touched her hair,and she was goin all AWWW about it,and she got it because of him wanting to see what one looked like on her. Plus,if you wanna add that wash out hair colour you can do that also,just make sure it’s the hardening stuff. Good luck w/ your mohawk,even though I doubt it would last that long,lol. Peace!

Answer #2

not to be a pain and correct you, but to answer the question of “how do the casualties spike their hair?” i can answer it exactly how they do it. After knowing the band for some time and knowing punkcore records the way the casualties and many other punk bands and most old school punks put up their hair is with Knox Gelatin. What they do is boil between 1 and 4 packets of Knox UNFLAVORED Gelatin until the hands can barely stand the heat…then they apply to their hair… its quite the process, but it works amazingly. depending on how many packets you use you can go from 1 packet where you can bend your hair and itll spring right back up to 4 packets which will make the hair as hard as fiberglass. Knox is also really beneficial to hair, making it stronger and grow faster.

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