How do I get my parents to say yes?

How do I get my parents to say yes to stuff. Because they are reallly uptight and say no to alnost everything. Even the things that are like “did she really just say no to that” or “ really she is getting in trouble for that?” like thats how they are and I just want to go and hand out with my friends):

Answer #1

well you should think about the good things when you ask something.always say need to let you’r parents meet your friends or friends parents(I would pick parents)and make sure your friend or friends parents be nice.say that you really want to hang out with your friends.sound mature when you ask. be honest and good behaved and your parents will be proud and eventually say yes.say thanks to.hpoe this helps!

Answer #2

My mum has always een fair about letting me and my sister go out. im 16 and my sister is 13 and we just have to ask, and we can go. I guess its because we have built up trust over time, my mum knows that we would never do drugs or anything like that so she lets us.

you need to build trust with your parents. and let them know who you are hanging out with. invite a friend over for the afternoon so your parents can put the names to the faces and know who you are going places with.

if I were a parent I would want to know who my kid is hanging out with, let your mum and dad see that your friends are nice kids and not junkies haha.

Answer #3

Just show your parents that you can be responsible, and that you will have your phone on you at all times, and you will give the numbers to who will be with, and where you will be at all times, and that you won’t be out long, (It may suck to go in early, but keep in mind your still young, AND it helps gain trust.) Show them that you can do stuff around the house, get good grades, and don’t back talk. Just do what they say, and they should let off. I hope this helps!

  • Advicec Girl, (:
Answer #4

Well first off how old are you? I have a 13 year old and believe me I dont let him go out by him self. I think trust is a big issue with Parents and if you have broken it you are going to have to gain it back. If you have never done anything to make your parents wonder I would ask them. Maybe something in your parents past has made them question the world. I hope this helps~

Answer #5

Fak my parents are like that too, but I just foce myself to just go out.

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