How do I become anorexic?

How do I become anorexic?

Answer #1

First, you stop eating. Then your hair falls out. Then your family goes insane with sadness and frustration. Then you lose all your friends. Then you give yourself a lifelong complex of never believing you are ever good enough for food, for clothes, for anything. Then, your family goes bankrupt trying to save you in a facility where they forcefeed or attach feeding tubes into your stomach and try to have doctors do all they can to prevent lifelong digestive problems and heart problems. Then, and this is the best part ever… you get to die!

Sounds exciting! Come on girl, you better get started right away!

Or hey-here’s an idea. THERE ARE YOUNG GIRLS ON THIS SITE READING YOUR LAME AND STUPID, ATTENTION SEEKING QUESTION. Why don’t you instead decide to be responsible, grow up and be somewhat of a role model. Girls see your picture there with your boobs half hanging out and your pretty face and say, “Gee, if she thinks she’s fat, I must be an OINKER, maybe I should die starving myself, too!”


Answer #2

y would u even wanna try that stuuf i used to be bulimic and then i realize whut id be losing if i kept it up so dont be stupid an trow ur life away ur too beautiful( not in a lez way) and ur prolly smart so dont be stupid an screw up ur life

Answer #3

Good answer.

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