How do I stop being suicidal?

How do I stop being suicidal?

Answer #1

if u feel depressed or summin u should book an appointment fing wiv ur doctor and explain 2 him/her how u feel nd they can give u pills. but im sure u could do really well in life if u look an da bright side lol.

Answer #2


Answer #3

Dear ant11, You need to seek out a counsellor ASAP. Today depression can be managed with medications and counselling. There is no need for you to feel this way. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

i wonder the same question… and how to be happy … do you see a therapist?

Answer #5

Perhaps you have S.A.D. syndrome?
brighten up that living room of yours and loose the shades! Sorry- hard to resist, but there may be some truth in my jest?

You have my sympathy, living in hell is not much fun for a teenager so you just must just get through it. You will feel differently when you get older- I mean when you get your own life- leave home- that sort of thing. There are things to help you deal with it- perhaps even get over it whilst you are still so young. Please look at my profile>my advice and read through some more serious answers I have given about depression, some might be usefulll and relevent to you. Or search this site for the words depressed and suicide to find some fellow sufferers to chat too.

Answer #6

Don’t do it. I suffer from a illness that causes me to think about and attempt suicide almost daily . Try thinking about your friends and family or things you wanna do in life, like travel or taste exotic foods. That always helps me. But suicide is a huge deal it changes the lives of those who love you and not for the better. Even attempting to do it may shake the world you live in a little but at what cost?

Answer #7

heya mate this isnt the same but i used 2 self harm alot and have overdoesed big time twice the only reason why i stopped was when i woke up in hospital with all my family crying there eyes out ! listen please dont do anything ok ! try and talk to someone about your issues ! gd luck ! xx

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