How did Catholicism start from Christianity?

How did Catholicism start from Christianity?

Answer #1

I think it was when Martin Luther didn’t like the rules, so he started the Catholic religon..

I’m not sure if that’s right, but I know it came from Ireland…


Answer #2

No, Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic church as did King Henry VIII. I believe followers of Martin Luther became Lutherans.

Answer #3

I don’t know if you are still recieving answers from here, but that is a really good question. The person’s answer before mine, is totally wrong. Martin Luther tried to reform the Catholic church. Christianity started on the day of Pentacost when the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues (a gift from God that could be understood by all languages). Catholicism start after the great persecutions on Christians during the peak of the Roman Empire. Constantine I, had a so-called vision of a cross before battle and he won the battle in 312 A.D. (The Battle of Milvian Bridge). He turn the Roman Empire into a Pro-Christian/ free religious state. From there, “Man/ Man-Kind” introduced practices from the Old Testament and Pagan Religions into Christianity.. In return we have catholicism and thousands of other christian religions. I have much to talk about with these so-called Christian religions, but not enough time right now. I am glad you are searching for the truth and hope you find it.. It’s amazing!.. If you have any more questions, you can email me.

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