How can religons be one religion?

My title doesnt really make sense sorry!

-what I actually mean is well if your christian or jewish or muslim don’t you think all are religons can actually be the same story but just twisted into different versions?

-We were disussing in my history class that becuase those religons are so similar they could have been recorded in-accuratly and could really be the same thing just different versions.

-Isn’t the important thing to do is just to have a relationship with god? I don’t think its really the religion that matters but the relationship you create with god…help?


Answer #1

I don’t beleive in organized religion. To me, everyones faith and beliefs should be their own. think about it, we all go through completly different lives and in turn are dealt completly different lessons in which to install our morals and conscience. I could go all day on this subject, but the fact is most religions are just mirrors of one another, they are just given different names and they all have their own versions of the same stories in an effort to explain things they dont know how to explain. If you want my honest opinion, live your life the best you can, learn from your experiences, and the closest way to get to ‘God’ is through knowledge my friend. Trust in what you believe because you know it. Take others advice when it is given well, but the faith of your existense lies in your own hands. I hope I helped. just remember to live, observe and learn. Follow your own path, my friend.

Answer #2

your right if you think religions seem the same because what religions do is they take things from other religions. I dont know many specific things cept for the image of god and satan in christianity. to me you sound like an agonistic so mabey you should become that.

Answer #3

The Baha’I have an interesting take on this.

They believe that God presents himself though a number of messengers each with a message suited to the time and culture. They believe Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha,, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and others are all messengers of the same God. They believe in the unity of God and that over time new truths are progressively revealed.

Answer #4

Well, you think it’s about a relationship, because that’s what you’ve been taught, I.e., that’s one of the precepts of your religion (probably informal though rather than codified doctrine). But that isn’t what Islam or Judaism are about.

They are about rituals, prayer, proper behaviors and customs and have nothing to do with personal relationships with a deity, which they would probably consider blasphemous, since you must elevate yourself to an approximate level with the deity in order to have a personal relationship.

Answer #5

You’re right, its not about religion its about relationship. Although christianity, islam, and jewish are all very similar but there are a few distinctive differences. I wholeheartedly agree with Gandi when he said reguardless of what religion you are we are all children of God. I am a christian, and my bible says “Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called sons of God.” -Matt 5:8.

Answer #6

-Isn’t the important thing to do is just to have a relationship with god? I don’t think its really the religion that matters but the relationship you create with god…help?

Well that depends on your religion now doesnt it? Not all religions believe in a God. Not all religions have the same idea of what a higher power is. And not all religions emphasize a personal relationship with God. So to answer your question, no, all religions cannot be one religion. They often contradict each other.

Answer #7

I think but I am not sure that they do all come from the same place way back when. If only people would just just do that have that relationship and not worry about other people and try to force things on them, the world would be a way better place. Mind you I fallow none of those religions but I know a lot of people that are and a few that just do have that relationship and its really good for them. And it allows them to be friends with me even tho I am a witch and ya most Christians or the like, freak out at that.

Answer #8

I think that we shud share the teachings of religions with our friends of different religons and than if some one want to change the religion, fine Other wise we shud follow the commonalities of religions togather and love and respect each other, and honour eachother’s religion. And live as ‘BROTHERS IN HUMANITY.’ And I guess it will be pretty lovely to do all this… right???

Answer #9

Im glad you feel the same way as I do. Specially Christians, Jews and Muslim believe in one thing. They believe in Adam and eve, Abraham, Moses now where it changes is that Christians believe that Jesus was the son of god and Jews believe he was just any regular person. 500 years after Jesus’ death another prophet came called Muhammad(pbuh) and they believed that he was the last prophet and whats when Islam came from…so it all the same story.

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