How can I stop my face from breaking out?

okay so I’ve tried aloe plant and noxzema and really hot water any thing else I could try? or any home remidys?

Answer #1

honestly, I doubt half the peole who awnsered this question even has acne.. I do, but it’s mostly scars .. Personally, I don’t find that you CAN prevent you’re face from breaking out.. cause mine usually breaks out a week before my period, or when I go to sleep with my makeup on. I’m sorry hun, but mine doesn’t go away and I can’t prevent it.

Answer #2

yes dont put alcohol it ages your skin so does all those products containing salacilic acid. I know this sounds boring but try the basics first like drinking 8 cups of water a day.Now I know what your thiking its a lot and sometimes I was forcing my self to drink a few days later my skin was really soft and had a glow. My spots have gone down I hardly get them anymore. Also if your drinking alcohol try to cut it down and just make sure you remove makeup with makeup remover then cleanse. Last option is to see a dermatologist hope that helps x

Answer #3

DONT put alcohol on your face it just gets rid of oil then makes it more apparent when it comes back more the next day!!! DO put COLD water on your face NOT hot water because hot water makes you have more breakouts. xx

Answer #4

I break out really badly a lot : ) lol So I feel your pain. I use Acne Free. It’s actually better than Proactive. Seriously. The commercials aren’t lying. And it makes your skin feel really soft. Good Luck : )

Answer #5

for me putting alcohol on at first and then liquid magnesia twice a day works for getting rid of them, but for keeping them away probably less often than that.

Answer #6

everyday just wash it whit soapand watter nad it will help you. I thought it didnt but ist does like once in da morning and once in da nght and all so yeah!!

Answer #7

I’ve been lucky I havent broken out yet and im 16, but I use facial sauna daily. a daily facial wash keep your face clean.

if you get a spot..put cream or vaseline over the effected area.

dont give up junk food.just as long as you have a healthy diet in their you will be fine. :)

Answer #8

If you get really desperate you can always see a skin doctor, they will eventually prescribe something called Acutain (not sure how you spell it) It is a pill you take daily, it permenatly closes your pores from further outbrakes, It may sound like a hassle but it works so well I was also getting desperate, I washed my face all the time and it wasn’t enough

Answer #9

stop eating chocolate lol

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